@Greystone 2000: I agree absolutely. I am one of those oldsters and watched on the sidelines for thirty years while computers went from card punching behemoths and dedicated word processors to what we have today because I didn't want to spend that much time inside to learn them. But in 2005 I bought first of seven computers and basically taught myself and believe it the first year was bloody - but then I got it. Now I'm teaching someone my own age who comes kicking and screaming to it. She dose not want to learn but she wants the benefits of it. It's tough to get someone not analytical to think in terms that a computer will understand. They many times see it as a magic box (that will break if you touch it wrong) and it scares them. Or they're just lazy.
@Splint Chesthair: Armageddon is so final. But when gas is seven dollars a gallon we still have to get out of bed and keep moving. I didn't mean that at all. By all means hone the skills, keep getting better. My point being is that the video shows the lack of skill in the teacher as much as the lack of skill in the learner. Granted I know how difficult it is to teach a complete knew way of thinking to someone. It's like making your kids eat the vegetables, you know why they should and somehow you have to be able to transmit that knowledge to someone who will not understand the need for nutrition until they're old enough to start feeling old.
And besides, the video was really not about watching a technologically illiterate use the computer, it was about the teacher standing over them with an air of superiority and no emotional control - forgetting how difficult it was to learn to ride a bicycle or whatever new skill that seemed so frustratingly complex at the time. Did your teacher act so disrespectful?
You people are a riot. I wonder(?) if you could do a safety check on a tractor trailer rig? Or how about canning the produce that you bought? How about growing the produce? Could you fix, rewire or add and electrical circuit to your house? When is the last time that you changed the spark plugs/oil and put knew brake pads on the car? Do you know how to start a pay loader? Could you dig a trench with 1/2 inch fall per four feet? How about fixing a hole in the roof.
You live in a fantasy. Sure computers are fun and you can do some amazing things with one. But after the next big em shock wave knocks out a large percentage of the satellites and an earthquake/flood/war takes down the electrical grid, you are going to be looking for those same 'morons' to help you survive. come down off that high horse and lose that look of disdain - some of those people might help you survive the coming tough times.
Could you dig a trench with 1/2 inch fall per four feet? How about fixing a hole in the roof.
You live in a fantasy. Sure computers are fun and you can do some amazing things with one. But after the next big em shock wave knocks out a large percentage of the satellites and an earthquake/flood/war takes down the electrical grid, you are going to be looking for those same 'morons' to help you survive. come down off that high horse and lose that look of disdain - some of those people might help you survive the coming tough times.