Have to disagree with all of this. The experiment was good in that it showed the impact that electronics have on some. If the electronics are moderated, they still exist, a child might be doing a chore or other item before going to the electronics so to speak but in the back of the mind still thinking about the impending event. To top that, it can further remind the child that the chore is still a chore.
The last child, Sussy, was reported to have better grades in this allocated to her more focused mental state.
The second child, Anni, reported only slight to moderate changes as this was still a relative norm.
The first child, Bill, was said to have traded his console for music. Whether or not this is a good or bad thing I leave to everyone else to decide.
Also on the first comment, seriously? As in are you really saying that about this article? So if your more fortunate, the alternative is for children to run wild without restraints on what they have? It was a lesson in how to restrain and live without the excess.
The last child, Sussy, was reported to have better grades in this allocated to her more focused mental state.
The second child, Anni, reported only slight to moderate changes as this was still a relative norm.
The first child, Bill, was said to have traded his console for music. Whether or not this is a good or bad thing I leave to everyone else to decide.
Also on the first comment, seriously? As in are you really saying that about this article? So if your more fortunate, the alternative is for children to run wild without restraints on what they have? It was a lesson in how to restrain and live without the excess.