I'm colombian, I eat Bon Yurt, is one of the most iconic brands in the country. The paintball creation is part of a great ad. Bon Yurt isn't an artist, is a yogurt brand. Trully, I consume Bon Yurt, I see the TV ads, I?M COLOMBIAN
Well, I'm colombian and this kind of art was awesome, but Bon Yurt isn't an artist, is a yogurt brand very popular in Colombia. Bon Yurt is a product that contains yogurt (kumis) and Kellog's cereals: Zucaritas (Froasted Flakes), Froot Loops, Corn Flakes or Chococrispis (Cocoa Krispis).
Bon Yurt is a trademark of Alpina, one of the most popular brands in Colombia
Damn, I'm from Colombia. The drugs problem is hard, but the cities aren't violent. You people around the world, please don't buy drugs, you are giving dollars to narcos, guerrillas and paramilitar forces, if you stop the drug consume, Colombia will be a beauty and peaceful country.
Bon Yurt is a trademark of Alpina, one of the most popular brands in Colombia