luckysquirrel's Comments

I would totally do this someone if I had the money. Although I'd somehow figure out if the person had a sense of humor or not. It's not quite as much fun when you leave art in a public place.
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I knew this the first time I stepped into Ikea. How is this news? It's just like Vegas casinos, only instead of slots you're gambling on whether you can attach the flat pack on your car without killing someone on the freeway.
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I totally agree. If you are considering this as an actual production, and accounted for the amount of food just the director/editor ate during the probably very long process, you'd have over $300 right there.
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While beautiful and awesome...not terribly exciting. It just takes patience and enough sets of buckyballs. I have 3 sets and make similar things by just playing around. If I could afford more sets, many of these wouldn't be that hard to make. You just have to get the polarity thing down. However I give him props on including some instructions with his photos.
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I wish I would have done that, but only if I knew that there was a work study student that could count it. My school is tiny (about 150 students) and we barely get any work-study hours (I got 4 hours for December).
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I see that you are troll, but you are extra angry troll. Just take a deep breath of our polluted air, hold it for a moment (so you don't hyperventilate), and then exhale while coughing because you inhaled some smog.
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I didn't think you could mention the words "usb hub" that many times in a short description. Cool looking though, even though I somehow grew up never having played Battleship.
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I learned that lesson the hard way, and I've had panic attacks before, just not by hyperventilation. I thought I was going crazy on top of panicking. Ended up in the emergency room only to find out that I had taken in too much oxygen. That was an "interesting" evening.
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is not the music a variation on the haunted mansion ride from disney, or is the haunted mansion ride a variation of this? music is creepy, it's just a music box interpretation of something (which admittingly i don't know what it is)...i enjoy seeing this, who cares about the intro, or if someone is spreading their views...i enjoy it for seeing it...4 minutes of my life to watch something that is more entertaining than a rickroll, that is neatorama worthy
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