sandyra 1's Comments

American bacon tastes quite different than English bacon. English bacon smells different to. It doesn't have the extra chemicals American bacon has so it almost tastes rancid. You get used to it after a while but it really does have a noticeable difference in taste.

The English also have their eggs lying out on shelves in grocery stores. They are not refrigerated. I know I was shocked to see them like that...
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I think the big corporations will rule the world and we will all be slaves for the wealthy. Oh, what am I saying? I thought this was a prediction for 2011!

2111? hmmm I think the big corporations will rule the world and we will all be slaves for the wealthy.
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Forgot the t-shirt!!
It's a "layer cage" for hens that lay eggs. The left side is where the hen sits. The egg drops down the chute and rolls down to the edge of the cage where the person can retrieve the egg w/o disturbing the hen. There is a water/feeder cup on the right side of the cage.
"I go commando" size Large
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It's a "layer cage" for hens that lay eggs. The left side is where the hen sits. The egg drops down the hole and rolls down the shoot so you don't have to disturb the hen to get the egg.
There is a water/feeder cup on the right hand side of the cage.
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It's the only known remaining chair in existence today (from an original set of 12 chairs) that belonged to the Marquis de Sade for his version of Musical Chairs.

Come to the dark side t-shirt size large
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It's a rubber sap saw. Two people cut into the rubber tree with the saw, going around the tree in a circular motion. The tree bark gets cut. You pull down the bark and the rubber sap comes out.
"I'm into Hydrogen bondage" size large
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It's a saw to cut trees down near the base. Two people hold the ends and walk around in a circle. The teeth of the saw cuts into the trunk of the tree. It's adjustable so the teeth can bite further into the trunk until it cuts all the way through.
"I'm into Hydrogen Bondage" size large
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I used to work in gourmet stores (did most of the cooking) and am a big fan of emmenthaler cheese. It's the oldest known surviving culture of swiss cheese. All other swiss cheeses are weakened versions of emmenthaler. It has a wonderful nutty flavor. Gruyere is a close second (age-wise) in taste and easier to find and almost as good.
If you want the best swiss broccoli cheese soup in the world then use emmenthaler swiss cheese. After you make your soup base lower the heat on the stove so the soup is no longer at the boiling point. Let it cool a bit and then slowly drop lots of handfuls of grated emmenthaler into the soup and stir. It will melt and be the best tasting soup ever. *If your soupbase is too hot the cheese will turn to a rubbery lumpy mess. You can't rush this soup.*
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Everyone KNOWS a unicow's milk has sparkles in it. It only eats skittles and it poops rainbows. Do not taste those rainbows, BTW.

The unicow will be held captive until it dies but will have lots of visitors taking pictures of it. If it's smart it will start charging for the pictures.

Maybe skittles can make a chocolate version and unicow can then make chocolate milk with sparkles! oh, yummy!
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