Yes, this is awesome footage. What a connection the with the pre-earthquake city. All the more so for anyone who has ever been down that *same street* !! The Embarcadero/Ferry building tower at the end is still there, so are the streetcars ( ride the F trains ).
Definitely "time and again" ( Jack Finney ) material.
Indeed they do, Ted. In the US, it is 0.04 % BAC. That's about half the usual limit for drivers. Other rules state 8 hours "from bottle to throttle", and most airlines have more stringent company rules ( like 24 hours ). It's just not a good idea. This guy was lucky.
O-kaaaay. "Little boy macho" boasts about 12g aside, aerobatics is a rush but it won't kill you. Hitting something would. Sounds like a cool opportunity wasted.
"Buy the ticket, take the ride." --- Hunter S. Thompson
It's a lever to throw electrical switches on power poles. Usually these have sockets for the metal covered end - and often padlocks in case some unauthorized prankster happens to have a handy stick
Sort of cute, yes. Would be nicer if they had a nicer environment I agree.
One last comment. The title continues the devaluation of the word "Zen" to the same meaningless misapplication that has been done with "quantum". I forgive Jon Stewart because his "moments of zen" are moments of surpassing weirdness.
Definitely "time and again" ( Jack Finney ) material.
It was a long time ago.. but some things will never be funny.
It was disturbing. Like watching Oscar Meyer walk through a portal.
"Buy the ticket, take the ride." --- Hunter S. Thompson
One last comment. The title continues the devaluation of the word "Zen" to the same meaningless misapplication that has been done with "quantum". I forgive Jon Stewart because his "moments of zen" are moments of surpassing weirdness.
What if cats could fly?
Too bad no pets are allowed on the ISS. I bet they'd have a ball after a week or so.