Jeez I should have read over my comment before I posted it! I was trying to give American english speakers a good name but my comment is full of typos! haha what can ya do
Rosi As for the way the English use english there are a few other things that I think Americans did to "correct" english (I know you were the first speakers but that doesnt mean you are always the most correct ;) ). How can -re at the end of a word possibly be pronounced as -er? That has never made sense to me. Using standard rules of english the could only be pronouced as it is written ("ray" or "ree"). Also, why do you love your u's so much? honour, colour. So pointless. Again contradicting your own pronounciation rules. But I do love a lot of the British slang (us using the word "bathroom" is rather pointless when the vast majority of bathrooms have no bath these days, no showers)
I can blow bubbles with my spit. i dont mean gurgley bubbles but actual bubbles that release and float around in the air (usually on for a second or 2). i know it's a bit gross but it's also a bit fantastic
i'm gay and i'm very happy. i wouldnt change my orientation for all the world (if i could).
to those people who consistently ignore science and focus only on their religious beliefs, i can prove homosexuality is genetic--there are gay animals! please tell me how animals can be raised in such a way that could turn them gay. did that mother ewe clothe her baby ram in a dress? gimme a break! also by saying this, you imply that you can turn gay. John G, are you saying that you can turn yourself into a homosexual? grow up and focus on the REAL problems in this world!!
jeez im gonna have to ignore some of these comments--some of you people need to grow up-- and try to once again bring this back on topic (or semi-topic):
the Roman emperors used gold cups to show their wealth but did not line the cups with any other method. it has been theorized that the gold molecules that leaked into their water/wine combined with the lead molecules already in the water, was the main cause of dementia/insanity that so many emperors seemed to suffer from. i dont know if it is 100% true but it makes sense
It's a little wild and little straaaaaange When you make a home right on the raaaaaange Start your horse and come a looooong Cuz ya cant get a ride if you cant hold ooooooon
LOVED that show. Also, there was a Salute Your Shorts ep that had Zeke the plumber....that dude used to scare me SH*TLESS when i was a little kid!
i was in western ireland for a month and a half for a geology field camp. some of the MOST beautiful scenery and friendliest locals i have ever seen/met. our professor taught at Boston U but he was irish himself...he did most of the driving, in a van! the roads are crazy narrow like Sid said (the most beautiful roller coaster ride ive ever been on haha).
anyway, we were in the field a LOT and encountered a LOT of sheep. my name is rob and i SWEAR they didnt go "b-a-a-a-a" they went "r-o-o-o-b". we stayed on an estate that was hundereds of years old. one of the many ghost stories was about a baby that died in the lake and the locals claimed you could hear him crying at nite. one nite we were out at the lake and heard a baby crying. we freaked out til we realized it was only the sheep! sounded exactly like a crying baby!
if you ever have a chance, go to Ireland! it is wonderful!
personally, i think that Mike Huckabee saying that it is easier to change the constitution (add in an amendment banning gay marriage and banning abortion) than it is to change God's word is 1000 times more scary and 1000 times more nuts than anything tom has said or will say. that man is actually running for president and people have actually voted for him in the primaries!
i heard about this a while ago and think it is pretty cool. up until not long ago, people thought that maybe the delphi oracle(s) were just scammers but in light of this evidence it shows that they probably really thought they were speaking to the gods...they just didnt understand what was happening.
it reminds me of the cyclops legend. mammoth skulls are prevelant on Crete (I think it was Crete)--they have one big hole in their head. thinking they were looking at human skulls, it's easy to see how the legend was born
I just finished the FANTASTIC book "Spin" by Wilson (cant remember his last name). Loong story but sattelites could no longer be used so they used these. thats what reminded me of the book. if you are a sci-fi fan i strongly suggest you read "Spin" (he just wrote a sequel, "Axis" too)
As for the way the English use english there are a few other things that I think Americans did to "correct" english (I know you were the first speakers but that doesnt mean you are always the most correct ;) ). How can -re at the end of a word possibly be pronounced as -er? That has never made sense to me. Using standard rules of english the could only be pronouced as it is written ("ray" or "ree"). Also, why do you love your u's so much? honour, colour. So pointless. Again contradicting your own pronounciation rules. But I do love a lot of the British slang (us using the word "bathroom" is rather pointless when the vast majority of bathrooms have no bath these days, no showers)
to those people who consistently ignore science and focus only on their religious beliefs, i can prove homosexuality is genetic--there are gay animals! please tell me how animals can be raised in such a way that could turn them gay. did that mother ewe clothe her baby ram in a dress? gimme a break! also by saying this, you imply that you can turn gay. John G, are you saying that you can turn yourself into a homosexual? grow up and focus on the REAL problems in this world!!
the Roman emperors used gold cups to show their wealth but did not line the cups with any other method. it has been theorized that the gold molecules that leaked into their water/wine combined with the lead molecules already in the water, was the main cause of dementia/insanity that so many emperors seemed to suffer from. i dont know if it is 100% true but it makes sense
When you make a home right on the raaaaaange
Start your horse and come a looooong
Cuz ya cant get a ride if you cant hold ooooooon
LOVED that show.
Also, there was a Salute Your Shorts ep that had Zeke the plumber....that dude used to scare me SH*TLESS when i was a little kid!
anyway, we were in the field a LOT and encountered a LOT of sheep. my name is rob and i SWEAR they didnt go "b-a-a-a-a" they went "r-o-o-o-b". we stayed on an estate that was hundereds of years old. one of the many ghost stories was about a baby that died in the lake and the locals claimed you could hear him crying at nite. one nite we were out at the lake and heard a baby crying. we freaked out til we realized it was only the sheep! sounded exactly like a crying baby!
if you ever have a chance, go to Ireland! it is wonderful!
Im sorry, I had to. and dont yell at me. im one of teh geys
it reminds me of the cyclops legend. mammoth skulls are prevelant on Crete (I think it was Crete)--they have one big hole in their head. thinking they were looking at human skulls, it's easy to see how the legend was born