Cool. You can do this better, I think, if you use Picasa. Choose Create / Movie / From faces in selection. Picasa will auto-align the eyes. Do a video search on "picasa movie faces".
Only four million? Seems low. I think here in Canada they can be hunted, but apparently aren't very edible. They need to engineer a tastier version. A local park re-allowed dogs in order to scare them off.
Guess the day-glo spandex crowd will have to upgrade their wardrobe. Neat idea, though, for folks who hate wearing helmets. But I think the cost will be high, and how do you keep the sensors from false triggering?
Hate it when someone replies to an email with a large attachment and sends me my attachment back with a comment such as "cool". With a slow connection, it's a pain. Please, delete the damn attachment before replying. On a similar note, for idiots who can't use Google...
Chances are it's a fake just to scare them off. Aside from that, if he uses an electric fencer, they run around 3-4Kv, non-lethal, but I sure wouldn't trust that the current wouldn't jump the gaps in MY pee stream! [In dry air, 20Kv can jump about 1cm, IIR]
Why the hell would you want to wash it, anyway? Did it get sprayed by a skunk? Rolled in the mud? Can't imagine it's a natural event in its life; and it might really piss it off.
I think here in Canada they can be hunted, but apparently aren't very edible. They need to engineer a tastier version.
A local park re-allowed dogs in order to scare them off.
Replace the curtain with an old video camera. Or a huge eye.
On a similar note, for idiots who can't use Google...