Actually, the "Alien" movie had Swiss surrealist artist H.R. Giger to thank for it's look. These tatoos draw inspiration (pun intended?) from Giger's extensive work, not just the film...
You forgot Dog, the blue heeler from Mad Max! They almost had to send him back to the shelter, as he freaked out due to the high pitched engine whine until somebody stuffed cotton in his ears! He was adfopted after the film by someone on the crew, I believe!
Hey, what a great thing to wake up and see a picture of Piers Anthony here. I used to work for him and just wanted to tell anyone who is unfamiliar with him that he is a wonderful, truly prolific author and a fantastic person with a great heart. Truly an epic human being. Give his novels a chance, you can't go wrong!
I agree, the knife question is completely bogus, because all of the other questions can be answered through having watched the show. Furthermore, the question said "MacGyver Knife" and Canada is the only answer where english is the native tongue. This is seriously a trick question and whoever put it in there is a jerk. The real answer is, of course, all of the above, if you ignore the fact that the word "knife" is in english. Sign me: waiting breathlessly for the McGyver movie!!!
This article only mentions the one example, so it wrongly suggests to people who don't know science and don't know about any other examples that one case IS enough to draw conclusions, thus teaching people bad science. Furthermore, caring for someone who cannot care for themselves does not prove compassion, anyway. It could just as easily be compulsion by the leader, possibly because it was the leader's child and ego drove him to care for it, not out of compassion, but because he wanted his line to go on. I'm sure there could potentially be many other explanations, too. Heck, maybe aliens took care of it; you don't even know for sure who did the care. Scientists would at least mention that there are other possibilities, and they don't draw firm conclusions about motivations as that is merely speculation, even with sworn testimony, without fairly sophisticated lie detecting equipment in operation while the testimony is given, which is of course impossible in this case.
I agree 100% with Noelegy. If you are knocking on someone's door at that hour, it had better be an emergency. I'd be somewhat alarmed, heart racing, and if it turned out to be for nothing, I guess I'd be a little mad, but the cookies would be enough to make up for it, provided they didn't suck. ;)
Well, if you had spent more time thinking about the answers to this question (how much did you spend? none?) there are obvious advantages, e.g. portability (it's very small, smaller than any umbrella I've ever seen, when stowed), has eco cred whether deserved or not (I say it is, but I won't argue that, because is largely irrelevant, because if nothing else it is inspiring to see creative recycling, and recycling should invade everything about our way of life... it has too if we are to supply 6.5 billion hairless apes with needed goods), and finally, as the above post pointed out (I didn't even think of that one right off, but it is a major point; kudos) you can discard the dripping part of the umbrella before going inside. These seem obvious to me after mere seconds of reflection. Not so much to you? ;)
I, too, reject the researcher's premise that failure to "be upset" or "say something" equates to racism. There must be something unexpected, unusual or extreme to surprise and upset people enough to cause them to speak out, and unfortunately that comment would not qualify as special enough to warrant action, especially in a one-on-one scenario. Sorry, but IMHO the experiment is a FAIL.
Why do you assume it was vandalism? The phone companies have been removing payphones like crazy over the last few years. This is how false information gets started going around... see your commenter says the phone company will fix it, so apparently is taking you at your word that it was vandalism. Journalists have an obligation to the truth...
Sign me: waiting breathlessly for the McGyver movie!!!
These seem obvious to me after mere seconds of reflection. Not so much to you? ;)