You have several spelling and grammar mistakes in this article that you should check. Here are a few that I found, however I am pretty sure there are more mistakes.
1.Than South Carolina’s Christian Exodus movement might be right for you.
Then South Carolina’s Christian Exodus movement might be right for you.
2.The group is now focuses on helping Christians form a “personal secession."
The group is now focused on helping Christians form a “personal secession."
The group now focuses on helping Christians form a “personal secession."
3.Than strap on your Birkenstocks and move to the North West would-be nation of Cascadia.
Then strap on your Birkenstocks and move to the North West would-be nation of Cascadia.
4. Than The People’s Republic of North Star might be the secessionist movement for you.
Then The People’s Republic of North Star might be the secessionist movement for you.
5. Using Alaska's vast resources, they feel they could be a prosperous nation better able to protect Alaskans freedoms.
Using Alaska's vast resources, they feel they could be a prosperous nation better able to protect Alaskans' freedom(s).
1.Than South Carolina’s Christian Exodus movement might be right for you.
Then South Carolina’s Christian Exodus movement might be right for you.
2.The group is now focuses on helping Christians form a “personal secession."
The group is now focused on helping Christians form a “personal secession."
The group now focuses on helping Christians form a “personal secession."
3.Than strap on your Birkenstocks and move to the North West would-be nation of Cascadia.
Then strap on your Birkenstocks and move to the North West would-be nation of Cascadia.
4. Than The People’s Republic of North Star might be the secessionist movement for you.
Then The People’s Republic of North Star might be the secessionist movement for you.
5. Using Alaska's vast resources, they feel they could be a prosperous nation better able to protect Alaskans freedoms.
Using Alaska's vast resources, they feel they could be a prosperous nation better able to protect Alaskans' freedom(s).
Now look, we are almost there."
Cold Hearted - I Only Look Sweet, Pink or Natural, Medium