meghan 3's Comments

Assuming that this was of (basically) comparable quality as what I would normally buy, and it wasn't more than $0.50 more expensive, I'm all for it...otherwise I'm sticking with tried and true.

I'd guess that local to where this dude is, it's fine, fun, and affordable. Otherwise, you're either going to have to ship it out or get a local store to carry it at increased cost. Not worth it in that case.
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The "mutant" faith seems far more harmless than the "real" faith. Those following the "mutant" faith seem far more willing to accept those different from them (because they're all about the "feel-good" bits of religion).

I can't believe that this book is getting serious news coverage outside of Fox. Makes me worry for the world I'm growing up in.
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My friend runs a small business with growing needs for tech support, and was recently offered outsourced support for ~$17.50 an hour from, training would be unpaid, and they'd work at hours that it's sometimes hard to get Americans to work at, but given that she's in Memphis and can get people to work third shift for less than $10.00/hr, she wisely passed.

I know that it gets cheaper per employee if you have a very large call center, but really? I'd probably do that unappreciated and often highly unpleasant work for far less than it would take most companies to get overseas employees.
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I like it, aside from the "U" and "UM".

Where is this, anyhow? The petrol prices and phone number format are throwing me for a loop. Or maybe it's more a "when" question, rather than "where"?
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I love insects, I love nature, and all that jazz...but insect eggs, larvae, unnatural holes, juniper berries, lotus seed pods, and the like...I just can't handle them for some reason!

Seeing insect eggs close-up like this makes them more absurd in my mind, and more tolerable. Pretty neat!
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That's awesome. I like his "I don't see anyone laughing at me!"...either they're too confused, or he just can't see very well ;)

But whatever keeps you comfortable and out and about when you're old, I guess!
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American-made martial arts movies just tend to be (a couple)good or (most of them) bad, and not in an entertaining way. Japan/Korea/China make insanely ridiculous martial arts movies that aren't good or bad...they just ARE. And they know how ridiculous they are, too, which is great.

Gotta agree with vonskippy for almost all the martial arts movies I've ever seen.
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As silly as this is, if the hooves were being handled while being painted, it's all for the best! Even when they're shod or clipped regularly, a lot of horses have issues with hoof handling if it's not done quite a bit...and even those who used to be good with it can regress.

Adorable gaudiness, and grats on having patience to the girls who painted them :P I sure wouldn't have THAT much.
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knitmeapony- I got moderated over the oddest things...I can't figure out what triggers it the majority of the time. They all go through in time, though.

As for the post, if it were called "wrong", for example, I would hold umbrage with it. As it is, "weird" isn't offensive. I'm weird. Everyone's weird. The "normal" people are freaks, and probably Stepford Wives.
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He's a good comedian, but the fact that he was willing to take the part in the Pink Panther remakes which essentially put the original movies through a meat grinder and called it quality directing...that just sort of made me lose a lot of respect for him. But on a whole, he's not bad, and I'm glad he's around to balance out some of the other godawful "comedians" we have out there these days.
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Ok, I can see how some of those became more associated with bad things over time, but I'm pretty sure that DOA has always (or at least since emergency rooms have been around) meant Dead On Arrival...which would definitely not be a good idea to imply in a department of aging. Unless there's another more vulgar meaning of DOA that I don't know...
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I'd probably try it if someone else had one, but I wouldn't get it myself.

That said, I can see this being a lot more successful than the double down, especially outside of novelty value.
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I am a HUGE fan of Morbo. The Hyper Chicken is great, too. And I don't know how they left Scruffy out!

Seymore is hardly a character...he was in ONE episode where he had any significance, and he's referenced off-hand maybe two other times, max. I understand how he was instrumental in Fry's life in the 20th century, but he certainly wasn't more of a character than the newscasters (who are in at least every fourth or fifth episode)!
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