Actually, I think i makes the incentive to leave the lights one all the time. You have to pay to turn the lights on, not keep them on. You kids wont want to pay all the time, so they'll toss a quarter in once, and leave it one.
Spell check technology is getting better and better. I can get the little squiggly red lines under my misspelled words on the internet now! Not to mention auto-correct on Word.
Besides the Atlanta airport, the Las Vegas airport also has electronic vending machines. They also have slot machines, but that's expected from Las Vegas.
I loved the Trees of Mystery when I went a half dozen years ago. It was foggy morning and we went up onto the observation deck they had and it was just beautiful. All the weird trees were something everyone should have to go see; we could make it a law, or something.
I can see how someone with "...persistent and marked distress about sexual orientation" would need a diagnosis. If someones sexual orientation causes them distress, then a therapist would work with the client to help them function in a society that looks harshly on them.
Basically, a lot of sexual "disorders" are based on how much distress they cause.
I'm taking an Abnormal Psych course and the last chapter we studied was on suicide. Apparently China has the highest suicide rate of any country, and it's the only county where females out number males in completed suicide (women outnumber men in attempts worldwide). Half of all female suicides and forty percent of all suicides occur in China.
rataplan, why can't the inventor just earn a living like the rest of us: doing a menial job you hate until you're factory is outsourced to China? It's the American way!
Not the thing I want to see with my morning cup of Joe; midmorning, lunch, afternoon, and even cup, sure, but not morning. For the mornings, I'll stick to this optimistic mug from The Onion :
I wonder what kind of pizza aliens would want.
Was pricey, though.
Basically, a lot of sexual "disorders" are based on how much distress they cause.