Michael Glosenger's Comments

It was fun while it lasted, Neat-O-Rama. But, really, ugliest celebrity lists? Really? 'unenviable title'? Really? I'm sure you can find some better way to spend your time than by insulting people via a link aggregator.
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Hotmail is odd. It wouldn't let me send an email to my mother, apparently because it contained the word 'LSD' in it (it's my best guess). And also, it does gets massive amounts of spam.

I'm still amazed that Hotmail actually blocks people from sending certain emails, though.. and I had to dig into the attached .dat file to figure out the nature of the problem and even then I'm guessing.

Yeah, Hotmail is horrible
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Huh. I've never thought working on a farm would be paradise. Living on one and not doing anything farm-y would be okay, but yeah, animals and feces and urine and feed and insects and.. maybe I don't really like farms.

WAIT, there are farms that only grow plant crops. Those would be okay.
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Never mind.. I didn't really understand what he was saying originally..

It does seem to be true that religious people have more children than non-religious people. Children tend to do what their adults do, and so therefore most people will tend to be religious. However I think this has already happened and the basic ratio has been the same since the beginning of eternity.

Religion in general is more an idea that everything is somehow good than anything. It makes sense to me that people who believe the universe is basically good would want to introduce more conscious entities into it compared to those who don't see it as basically good.

That's not to say that a person has to be 'obviously religious' to think everything is good.. but most people seem to like to hang around in groups where they feel everyone believes basically the same rules.

As far as why children of religious parents would decide to be non-religious, I imagine the universe wants to keep things interesting :)
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Scientists say humans have been around for a few thousand years.. that isn't long enough to fully spread this 'religious gene' around? Yet in the next 'just a few' generations it will suddenly explode into nearly 100%? Eh?

If he wants to just say it will happen that's fine, but he brought science into it
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