I agree, Edward. No obvious demands for this but it could be useful for crossword puzzles, sudoku, maybe sketching. And of course, like djinny pointed out, tricking someone into using this pencilpen when completing an important document is a fraudster's dream come true.
Interesting. As a blog reader over the years, I've gone from visiting the actual blog sites to igoogle's RSS, to Google Reader and dupe some of the Reader subscriptions with Facebook "likes" so they show up in my FB newsfeed.
As far as Facebook blog reading, I prefer blog reading on Google Reader. The pictures are bigger, somehow I read more of the blurb and am more likely to click through. Maybe it's b/c Facebook is more fun for friend stuff and the blog updates there are automatically less fun. And then with Reader, I'm just scrolling through blog posts.
For people who never bothered with RSS, I bet Facebook and Twitter are their first means to seeing regular blog updates, so I can see social networks helping blogs get more readers.
As far as Facebook blog reading, I prefer blog reading on Google Reader. The pictures are bigger, somehow I read more of the blurb and am more likely to click through. Maybe it's b/c Facebook is more fun for friend stuff and the blog updates there are automatically less fun. And then with Reader, I'm just scrolling through blog posts.
For people who never bothered with RSS, I bet Facebook and Twitter are their first means to seeing regular blog updates, so I can see social networks helping blogs get more readers.