I'll belittle the shit out of this barbaric practice. There are other humane ways of getting these results that are more accurate. Genetically, how close are we to dogs? Not very. It boggles my mind that this still goes on.
Don't sit there and watch that video and get all weepy and go "aww, those poor things". Get off your ass, do some research and support companies who don't test on animals [there are a lot] and forget about these companies who do. It might be difficult and hard, but if enough people do it, it *might* open the eyes of the people who give the okay to do this and they'll rethink this whole system.
But most people are super apathetic and don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. OR they don't want to believe that this stuff goes on.
It's obviously a kid hanger. Or a nerd hanger. Fits on almost any size anything with enough room to fit the hook. And when your kid(s) and/or their friends annoy you, you just hang them by their belt buckle on the hook. Or, if you're a bully, you stick a nerd on there to dry after he gets his daily swirly and you get your daily chocolate milk money. And it's roomy to boot, you can fit 10 kids/nerds on there [they're about the same size, right? Sure] Mix and match, it's up to you! Yours for 5 easy payments of $99.99. Call now and we'll double your order!
Sorry, got carried away. *ahem* Neatorama alien, tshirt, small
*sits back with popcorn*
Also: Noah, RTFA.
Don't sit there and watch that video and get all weepy and go "aww, those poor things". Get off your ass, do some research and support companies who don't test on animals [there are a lot] and forget about these companies who do. It might be difficult and hard, but if enough people do it, it *might* open the eyes of the people who give the okay to do this and they'll rethink this whole system.
But most people are super apathetic and don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. OR they don't want to believe that this stuff goes on.
Sorry, got carried away. *ahem* Neatorama alien, tshirt, small
First time playing; this was fun!