Courageous Grace's Comments

Yes, Corgis will do that. I have one that is always trying to get in the way when I use my Wii Fit. I have a 3 year old son who does the same

Of course, my flatscreen is mounted on the wall above the fireplace, so I have almost no chance to do something this stupid. More likely to throw the Wiimote into the fireplace than hit the tv with it, too.

As a side note, too many of the games are easy to fake with the Fit.
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Both. It seems a bit heavy-handed, however she did commit fraud.

I plan on avoiding this type of problem completely by homeschooling my kids or sending them to private school (should a decent one open or re-open around here).
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I avoid 3D mostly because I get sick to my stomach, very very dizzy, and it triggers migraines. Then of course, Netflix is my friend. Why pay extra to see a movie in a crowded theater and not be able to pause it when I have to pee?
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Holy crap, that came out wrong. lemme rephrase...I am a female who once worked in a gaming/comic store.

I am and have always been a woman. Very much so. And am currently pregnant. I blame my mis-type on my tired and hormone-addled brain.

Okay, I think I need a spoon to dig myself out of this hole....
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I loved SG1 (even have the RPG books), liked Atlantis, and put up with Survivor: Stargate Edition (aka: Universe). I am actually pleased Syfy axed SGU, it just didn't have the character of the other two, and seemed too much like a soap opera.
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That guy has obviously never had real fruitcake. In other words, soaked in booze for months on end. Too many people don't know how to make it correctly, and it ends up dry and/or bitter. First of all, it should NEVER be made with citrus peel (for some reason people think that crap is necessary?). Candied cherries, pineapple, and citron, plus grapes and walnuts or pecans (pecans are better) are what make it sweet. Of course, the bread will dry out quickly if you just bake it and serve. However, the key is to wrap it in clean rags then soak it in your liquor of choice (vodka, bourbon, rum, brandy, etc.) for several weeks in a well-sealed ziplock.

Last week I discovered two loaves I had made over a year ago and soaked in brandy. I unwrapped one in order to re-wrap it in foil and clingwrap and gift it to a friend and a raisin-filled corner came off of it with the booze-soaked rag. I nibbled at it and found it to be just as moist, sweet, and flavorful as the other loaves from the batch. If I weren't pregnant, I might have eaten the whole thing. I swear, that stuff is like an orgasm in your mouth.
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Heh, when I first saw the title of this I wondered if it was a new type of early pregnancy test, like the one whose commercial states "It's the most sophisticated piece of technology you will ever pee on."
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Oh, some of these are memories, some are still happening, and I'm sure I have some to look forward to (with my 2nd on its way). The "Code Brown" completely grossed out hubby, but the first time it happened to me I sighed, said "that's kinda disgusting", and grabbed a washcloth to scoop it out of the tub, drained the tub, than rebathed the toddler who deposited it.

What was really disgusting to me was when he would take off his diaper and smear poop all over his bedroom floor (thankfully I have laminate floors).

My most frightening first was when he took a nosedive towards my mother's power chair and received a deep forehead gash from it. That one ended up with a trip to Cooke Children's urgent care.
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I recently quit my job as a school-age daycare teacher and bus driver (not for this reason) and completely agree with the driver. I had to pull my bus over on many occasions because of disruptive behavior that interfered with my ability to SAFELY transport them on the bus, and for this private daycare, safety was supposedly the #1 priority.

I also had one 8 year old student who thought it was funny to run up to other children and fart next to them. At one point he received a threat from another student that he'd be beat up if he did it again. It did not happen (because I intervened), but it is easy to see how such behavior can escalate.
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I was raised in a no/low corn household because my grandmother was allergic to corn and corn products. I cannot stand sodas, pancake syrup, and other items sweetened with HFCS, they're too sweet and TASTE like corn syrup to me. I don't crave that extra sweetness, and actually prefer less sweet things. Dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate, REAL maple syrup (my mother in law nearly had a conniption fit when I told her I don't like sweet pancake syrup), and I drink either Diet Dr. Pepper (I'd rather taste aspartame than corn syrup) or Dublin Dr. Pepper (thank God I live in DFW and it is much cheaper to get here than other places). Hubby loves the mexican Coke (sold @ Costco).

I have found that cutting down on products made with HFCS, and doing things like baking my own bread (from scratch), using extra virgin olive oil instead of other cooking oils, real butter instead of margarine, etc, I have lost weight and have more energy than I used to.
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