I just read the article the other day and had to stare at that picture of the whale and photographer for about five minutes. As I recall, however, they were still a little ways away from being able to declare a "comeback" for the Atlantic species just yet.
Anyone ever seen the movie Big Trouble? Near the beginning of the movie high school kids are playing an extremely similar game, down to using squirt guns. It was released in 2002.
I guess I live in the least neurotic state in the union. No. 51, so they must have included Puerto Rico or some other territory in the study. I was born in a more neurotic and less extroverted state though, so what does that make me?
I recently was able to see how these things are designed nowadays. Most people wouldn't suspect that the designs are made by US Mint staff using ZBrush software from Pixologic. All that work for something many people now view as worthless. Some countries just throw the things away. I lived in Brazil for a few years, and only ever saw one penny the whole time. All purchases are either rounded up or down.
Avast! I almost bin fergettin it be a day fer speakin' quite unlike ye crazy landlubbers day. Walks the plank to 'em I say if ye be caught speakin' out 'a turn on so sacred a day fer ye folla'ers of da Flyin' Spagetti Monster.
The spot may have been produced by McCannWorldgroup's advertising agency McCann Erickson, but the work was carried out by a Brazilian production studio called Seagulls Fly. Just wanted to make sure everyone got the right props.
Eh... I've seen bigger. I've even seen an entire hillside of slums that all networked and robbed power from a line at the top of the hill, and these were hundreds of homes.
All that work for something many people now view as worthless. Some countries just throw the things away. I lived in Brazil for a few years, and only ever saw one penny the whole time. All purchases are either rounded up or down.