I came here to comment on how they look like my grandson's 1st grade homework, but I see that everyone else has beaten me to that point. What an idiot.
Okay, ANWR. Doesn't matter. That place in the middle of no where where no one ever goes and a few starving caribou can't wait for some pipeline to huddle next to for warmth. That place where oil drilling would amount to all of a pinhole on the map. Of course, if you drilled, it would suddenly be overpopulated by liberals/marxists dressed up as sea slugs and spotted owls and salamanders in protest of progress and the U.S. in general.
If the marxists would allow us to obtain some of its natural resources, i.e. Anwar, this story would be different. Palin is dumb. Bush was dumb. Reagan was dumb. 0Ford was dumb. Nixon was dumb. Carter was smart. Clinton was smart. Obama is smart.
I don't support any organization that gives up its beliefs and morals to bow to political correctness. The Boy SCouts have give far mor eto this earth than gays or athiests.
yes please, please don't tell me you're going to flush all your credibility by saying you believe in the Algore tax increase/ socialist/ money-grab fraud.
I didn't reall break the chain, but after a nice couple paid for my Girlfriend's and my Surf and Turf, I saw a guy just having an espresso and covered him.