saehn's Comments

The easiest way I found to get her to "flip" was to focus on a point about six inches below the monitor, with her still in my peripheral vision. That gives you just enough visual cues to communicate "spin" but not enough to lock in a direction.

The thing is, the animation for this figure's spin is exactly the same one "direction" or the other. Your mind just picks a direction. Look at the image linked below. If you think about it, either:

* her back is to us, her right leg & arm are raised, and she's spinning clockwise, or
* her chest is to us, her left leg & arm are raised, and she's spinning counter-clockwise

It works because she's just a silhouette. If it were filled in with more visual data, there'd be no ambiguity as to the spin direction. Pretty nifty! :)
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Dave: "evolution is the cornerstone of modern biology". For you to suggest that it's a fairy tale indicates that you could benefit from more education on the subject:
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Tee-hee, her cross flipped upside-down as she practiced violence against her fellow man. It's a sign of the Christian god's displeasure. ;)

But seriously... are we witnessing the beginning of the Bene Gesserit!?
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I'm not totally sure about this one, either... if you look closely when there are five seconds of video left, you can see spikes/coral limbs growing out of the octopus' head. I know they can change color, but I'm not sure that they can shapeshift. :)
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Let's not help the US media fuel the anti-Muslim pro-Zionist propaganda it spews on a daily basis.

"It is important for the Mecca-Cola boss to donate goods and not cash, states Mathlouthi: "We don't want people to think that we support soldiers or terrorist groups, only suffering children." -

"Part of its corporate philosophy is its pledge to donate 10% of its profits to fund humanitarian projects (such as schools) in Palestine, and another 10% to charities in the countries in which the drink is sold — particularly (to quote its website), "associations who work towards peace in the world and especially for peace in the conflict between Palestinians and fascist Zionist apartheid". -

They're not anti-Israel, they're anti-Zionist. That isn't necessarily a bad thing; it's like being anti-Bush-admin as opposed to being anti-US. Learn about Zionism here:

Also, the product was created by Tunisian-born Frenchman Taufik Mathlouthi. The company is currently based in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates. Let's also not participate in the fun-and-popular "freedom-fries" anti-France sentiment that plagues the US.
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Scot, not that I think you'll actually take the time to read this, but:
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"What a sad life you must live...". Boo-hoo, tell it to Oprah.

I'm not superstitious, so when I'm happy, I simply thank whoever was involved in making me happy. If I'm happy for no reason at all, then I'm just happy.

There are over 10,000 known religions in the world. As an atheist, I just believe in one less god than you.
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Read the article and the reference articles. This headline is inaccurate sensationalism, but the point is that VERY hot water (90c-195f) does freeze faster than hot water (80c-175f).
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But that's okay, Darlin', because I love you, and that's why you have to let me EAT YOUR BRAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIINS!

(somebody had to say it)
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Well, look at it this way... if you think making millions by "conning people" is so easy and is all that modern art is, why don't you go ahead and make yourself a millionaire?

I'm not saying that _I_ think that everything that gets into a gallery is art, but there is no absolute, objective definition of what art is. My initial reaction was against Mark's pigeonholing of art as "beautiful skillful renderings". If that's what he likes, then there's nothing wrong with that. I just don't think anyone can categorically and simplistically dismiss something just because they don't understand it.

Having a sense of art history and and an arts education allows one to not feel threatened by something not understand at first glance.

The first Impressionists were ridiculed. New things always confuse and anger some people.
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Mark, you're describing craft, not art. Art is more than pretty pictures... it can be the communication of an original idea, it can be a subtle commentary, etc. Art can be defined by the individual. There is no clear, final, absolute, objective definition of the word "art" because art often tries to escape its own boundaries.
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Each human has to make a moral judgment about whether it's ethical to kill other animals for food... but I can't see how any sane human would think that it's morally acceptable to injure other animals for amusement.
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