This brother is the genuine article. That "old man," the one who did all the violence and mayhem, is dead, crucified with Christ Jesus. This man is a walking testimony to the love and Power of Almighty God. If God can do such a thing for such a man as this, just think what He could do with YOU!
You will never "figure this out" with your finite minds; it takes the enlightening Power of the Spirit of God to bring understanding of spiritual matters. If you want to understand how this works, simply call on the Name of Jesus Christ in humble repentance, and the same Holy Spirit will bring conversion to you.
You will never "figure this out" with your finite minds; it takes the enlightening Power of the Spirit of God to bring understanding of spiritual matters. If you want to understand how this works, simply call on the Name of Jesus Christ in humble repentance, and the same Holy Spirit will bring conversion to you.