234's Comments

WOuld have been a billion times more awesome if it involved more people and singing of the themesong, but... since its a library I can see why they opted not to.
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Greed is a disgusting human motivator.
If this was not "valuable" it would have been left alone to the whims of the elements and eventually torn down by human progress.
Which is what I would have wanted, if I were a certain famous artist.
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Its cute and funny, but if you look at the other vids by the owner... they do a lot of training/tricks with their dogs.
This might be the result of such a trick, its hard to say.
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My fav Muppet movie is "Muppet Christmas Carol" and I remember that came out right around the same time Henson died.
I can't say that I've liked any of the "Henson brand" movies since he passed on. Its like something is just missing from them.
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really nice.
I think I've noticed a recent increase in Sci-fi interest in people.
That robust intrest we had back in the 70's and 80's, when Sci-fi short-story magazines like Asimov and Analog were in their prime, and the future was still open to interpetation and up for grabs.
I hope thats the case, because our imaginations fuel our science, and vice versa. The stars are far away still, but that dosn't mean we should stop reaching.
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Smell the Calvin and Hobbes?
How about also seeing it? The style.. heck even the name is pretty blatant. :/
I'm sure the "teen" generation will love it, being the oblivious victims of recycled idea hashing that they are.
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"Good lord - are you guys seriously making derisive comments at a FOURTH GRADER"

Apparently this was world-worthy news, therefore the world is allowed to say how non-special this is.
Maybe Mommy should have just stuck a special note on the fridge, but oh no, apparently it was really important the rest of us know how amazing her child is.
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A really great artist even if he did have a little too much of: Busty woman crouched on/next to beast/warrior.

Fantasy and Science fiction artists never get the same recognition as classical painters and thats a shame. This guy was fantastic. :)
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Stupid news is stupid.
If this were an adult pointing something out, it would not be news. BUT OH GAWD a preeeeciiioouuus child spotted something and *gasp* its amazing! Annoying.
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Oh great. I'm sure the airline industry will find some way to freak out about this.
Anything tube-like will be banned or something.
No pens for you!
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Just cause there was a kid there, we automatically assume the cat was trying to "protect" the kid?
WOW anthropomorphize much?
That cat VERY likely couldn't care less about that kid.
I know I don't, and I'm not even a cat.
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His eyes are on the sides of his head, meaning his foward vision is not so great. Probably can't even see what its painting.

Man I hate animal "paintings". Theres no "thought" past "wiggling this stick in hand/mouth = treat"

Such garbage.
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I expect those kids to turn into artists who end up peddling their wares on Etsy, because they can't get a job.
...and thats being on the positive side.
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