"You see, the Deutsche Bahn corporation has had quite some trouble during the winter, and even without snow, trains tend to be _not_ on time more often than they are. Which makes the refusal to stop the train a quite hypocritical affair."
I don't know where you live. In Berlin most trains are on time. More often than not.
And hypocrisy? Really? Because if the train is already late it doesn't matter if it's another 5 minutes later, even though you complain about the supposed constant delay?
@Alex - I have made mistakes, but those didn't result in evening-filling talk shows and hourly repetitions on tv. I just don't see the big deal about this. :|
hmm, I know urine is sterile. Mothermilk is not. It contains bifidus bacteria and lacto germs. And you thought of yourself as a walking encyclopedia, huh?
#5, hmm, "I don't see the problem. You had breast milk as a baby, so why not as an adult?"
Possibly because adults and chilren need different nutrients and because children have no way to say no to human breast milk. In opposite to you, you creepy pervert :)
"You see, the Deutsche Bahn corporation has had quite some trouble during the winter, and even without snow, trains tend to be _not_ on time more often than they are. Which makes the refusal to stop the train a quite hypocritical affair."
I don't know where you live. In Berlin most trains are on time. More often than not.
And hypocrisy? Really? Because if the train is already late it doesn't matter if it's another 5 minutes later, even though you complain about the supposed constant delay?
Possibly because adults and chilren need different nutrients and because children have no way to say no to human breast milk. In opposite to you, you creepy pervert :)
- wrong music
- crappy effects
- a bad intro
- the end, oh god, until then I would have given it a 2/10
1/10 now.
And I thought everyone who doesn't live at their parents' house anymore knows that.