Looks like a trap. The spring makes it go down to the right side. You fold it open to the left to get the animal out (like a hedgehog) The string keeps the animal from walking away with it.
Just place 'Workers Ahead' signs and be proud that your country treats men and women as equals, and sell the 'Men Working' signs to countries where only men work at the roads, not women, or sell it to gay bars, they love pink signs.
The sooner men and women are treated really equal, the sooner there will be no more fanatical feminists and whining anti-feminists.
If it was a real story Jen just would have typed messages beforehand and use the 'send on a specific time' command. And if 'Google was really watching you' it should have suggested a threesome. With a bit of luck they would have had three happy customers.
You can use http://translate.google.com to translate a whole site-page at once, by pasting the URL. Even when the translation has many mistakes you get a pretty good idea of what it is about. I use it with Japanese and Chinese game-sites frequently.
Many mentioned movies have endings that are great, but I have to think a few seconds before I remember the ending. But there are some movies with an ending I remember immediately:
Easy Rider (!!!) (not mentioned once on the Times-site) Don't Look Now The Bodysnatchers (with D.Sutherland)
Offcourse Citizen Kane should be nr 1 in the list.
I wonder if it's true that you can eat more 'bad' food if you're used to it. There are people that eat from garbagecans that never get sick. I once heared a story that Americans get sick from fresh food in Europe because in the U.S. there is so much food in plastic and vacuumsealed, etc. So they're not used anymore to the normal bacteria on food.
It's a Love Meter! You hold one button, your love holds the other. If sparks fly, you are a match. If the bell rings, it means you should keep your other hand above the table, or you should stop playing silly games and get on with it!
With both hands pushing the knobs the bell would ring. If two people worked a dangerous machine, the machine's operator would know by the bell that the other person's hands were not on the machine so the machine could be operated safely.
Every person that wanted to be part of a TV-audience in the '50s was first tested with this device. They had to slap the buttons, with a hand on each side, to test the strength of their applause. Only the 'top clappers' were permitted in the audience.
The sooner men and women are treated really equal, the sooner there will be no more fanatical feminists and whining anti-feminists.
These photos are obviously part of the campaign.
And if 'Google was really watching you' it should have suggested a threesome. With a bit of luck they would have had three happy customers.
Even when the translation has many mistakes you get a pretty good idea of what it is about.
I use it with Japanese and Chinese game-sites frequently.
Rosemary's Baby (with that music)
L'Empire des Sense (In the Realm of the Senses)
But there are some movies with an ending I remember immediately:
Easy Rider (!!!) (not mentioned once on the Times-site)
Don't Look Now
The Bodysnatchers (with D.Sutherland)
Offcourse Citizen Kane should be nr 1 in the list.
I once heared a story that Americans get sick from fresh food in Europe because in the U.S. there is so much food in plastic and vacuumsealed, etc. So they're not used anymore to the normal bacteria on food.