Nr 2 can eat and his load gets lighter, so seems the best place. But Nr 3 is the only horse that gets to eat ánd gets the work done, so he has food ánd gets payed.
You probably know this already, but in case you don't: For almost all problems every Mac-troublesolving site (like recommends to first run the combo-version of the latest MacOS X-update (again).
You should at least download and install the 'Mac OS X Update 10.4.7 Combo PPC' from Or better: the 'Mac OS X 10.4.11 Combo Update (PPC)'. A 'combo'-update includes all previous updates, so it's much better then separate updates.
You can install Safari from your MacOS X-installdisk with the application 'Pacifist'.
If you use AppleWorks a lot you should throw away the AppleWorks-folder in your Documents-folder. If that is too full it can really slow down AppleWorks. The next time you run it, it will create a new folder.
You can also check the Font Book application in your Applications-folder. It has an option nowadays to look for font conflicts.
For the basic troubleshooting I really like Applejack: very small download from Install it. Start your Mac with Command-S pressed. Type 'applejack auto restart' and press Return-button. It repairs your disk and permissions, clears caches, checks preferences, etc. It's the easiest way to solve a lot of problems.
@ skreidle I use Safari and what worked for me is first a mouseclick and than Returnbutton. With other problematic Flashgames I use Ctrl-click (or right mousebutton if you have one) and choose Play or Forward in the menu.
I hope they include a parachute and some rowingpaddles also. For those unexpected hurricanes and floods.
But Nr 3 is the only horse that gets to eat ánd gets the work done, so he has food ánd gets payed.
For almost all problems every Mac-troublesolving site (like recommends to first run the combo-version of the latest MacOS X-update (again).
You should at least download and install the 'Mac OS X Update 10.4.7 Combo PPC' from Or better: the 'Mac OS X 10.4.11 Combo Update (PPC)'.
A 'combo'-update includes all previous updates, so it's much better then separate updates.
If you use AppleWorks a lot you should throw away the AppleWorks-folder in your Documents-folder. If that is too full it can really slow down AppleWorks. The next time you run it, it will create a new folder.
You can also check the Font Book application in your Applications-folder. It has an option nowadays to look for font conflicts.
For the basic troubleshooting I really like Applejack: very small download from Install it. Start your Mac with Command-S pressed. Type 'applejack auto restart' and press Return-button. It repairs your disk and permissions, clears caches, checks preferences, etc. It's the easiest way to solve a lot of problems.
I use Safari and what worked for me is first a mouseclick and than Returnbutton.
With other problematic Flashgames I use Ctrl-click (or right mousebutton if you have one) and choose Play or Forward in the menu.