Many years ago my girlfriend and I slept in a teepee a few hundred meters from the stones of Stonehenge. We were the only people there, waiting for the owner of the teepee to come back. One night I stepped out of the teepee to take a leak. While I was pissing I saw a lightbeam flashing from the centre of the stones straight up in the air. I never found out what it was and I still wonder what happened.
The Didden Village link is a slideshow. There you see that the stairs are in the apartment below the terrace. The blue house doesn't have floors. Probably there is also a wider entrance to the roof from the communal stairs.
@c-dub: You are right. In Holland you don't have to call anybody before hoisting your furniture. Except maybe some friends with strong arms.
Important place on the internet, where the actual downloading and uploading takes place, from T1, T2, T3 and higher, etc. Where ‘T’ means ‘Trailer’ obviously. The different colors show the 'band'width.
Important place on the internet, where the actual downloading and uploading takes place, from T1, T2, T3 and higher, etc. Where 'T' means 'Trailer' obviously.
If you would say this place is called 'Hobotopia' and that monkeys and cats live there, and the view is called a neatorama, I would believe you!
(Here in Europe trailers are not associated with 'rednecks', but with free people, gypsies, the circus, traveling merchants, and their descendants, etc. I would love to live there)
I never found out what it was and I still wonder what happened.
@c-dub: You are right. In Holland you don't have to call anybody before hoisting your furniture. Except maybe some friends with strong arms.
(Here in Europe trailers are not associated with 'rednecks', but with free people, gypsies, the circus, traveling merchants, and their descendants, etc. I would love to live there)