When I read some comments I wonder if the product is as well known as I thought it was. In the Netherlands there are many commercials about 'Depend' adult diapers, or 'Depends', with mainly older women that laugh, sneeze, play with grandchildren without worries. Just like tampon commercials. Nothing weird about it, except maybe that as a man you almost wish you were a woman so you can also water-ski, climb mountains and be happy all day.
Place it in a container with (dry) food. If the ball reaches the bottom, it is almost empty. You could place a switch on the platform for a bell or light. If the ball floats you can see if a container is full of water or empty. A blind person could feel if a container is full without getting wet.
If the ball floats you can see if a container is full of water or empty. A blind person could feel if a container is full without getting wet.
Thank you, ted! Finally I understand why so many people in that bar I visited had holes in their umbrella.
Or ivory billiard balls.
Or ashtrays made from elephants feet.
I hope not.
Where the wood is somewhat charred they sometimes put candles.