FishBottleT's Comments

I agree with this statement. Kinda easy to figure it out.

The breakfast packs in 5,000 calories — nearly twice the recommended daily intake for an average man.

A spokesman for the British Heart Foundation said: “Eating this amount in one sitting is not a good idea.”
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Now I will flip out if I see girls carrying these little goats around in bags. Next thing you know they will be painting their fingernails and dressing them up. Ha that would be ridiculous.
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If you are lost after only missing 4-5 mins. of a movie then you should just hold the pee. I have never worried about what I will miss if I go to the bathroom but rather what will happen if I DONT go. HA Can you say woops!!
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It is true that when you see that someone is blushing you do begin to see them different. I mean that I have noticed that people change their behavior once they notice that someone is, in fact, blushing.
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I think that trying to put a number figure on how many people you should turn down before looking for a mate is crazy. Now yes I do agree that you must have a number of relationships in order to find out what makes you happy but to think that at a certain number you should change your outlook and coose one is pretty stupid in my eyes.
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I am not sure about the tensile strength of human hair versus horse hair. Although, I would think that Horse hair would be better for building applications due to the fact that I think it is stronger than human hair
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