clinton robert labombard's Comments

One problem: he's forcing air into the cigarettes faster than it would be if smoked normally, which causes the cigarettes to burn hotter, thus releasing more tar into the smoke than normal. Under normal circumstances, especially with filtered cigarettes, the smoke cools as it travels through the unsmoked tobacco and then further cools as it travels through the filter; thus, a lot of the tar is trapped in the unsmoked tobacco and the filter. Cigars are made to be partly smoked for the same reason: the unsmoked portions cool the smoke and trap the bad-flavored tar. Regular smoking of filtered cigarettes, and especially of cigars is far less dangerous than this video is purporting.

Something else, a brand of cigars called 'black and mild' have no filter and use a plastic stem allowing the smoker to burn the tobacco to the end of the cigar. The tar otherwise trapped in the unsmoked tobacco is instead inhaled. This is particularly dangerous to the lungs.. and in my opinion tastes horrible. I don't know why anyone would smoke those.
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um... lots of air being circulated into an area where there is a fire generally turns a neato tornado thing into what's called a 'fire tornado'. All that extra oxygen for the fire certainly won't help put the fire out and all the extra heat will only ignite more fires. After that who really gives a flying sheep?
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Here's a better idea: force the feds to feed the children. Oh, wait, expecting people at large to take measures against the Man is like expecting a herd of cows to whip out chaingun death to the next Saucer that tries to molest them.
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