Inna: "Anyone who is able to walk is able to find a job. I suck it up and go to work just like the rest of us."
I understand what you were talking about in your comment and I agree with you about panhandlers, but that sentence bothered me a bit. It applies to lying panhandlers, but a lot of people apply this to actual homeless and that's where I see a problem. It's hard to get a job when you're a smelly homeless guy. Could you imagine what the interview would be like?
I'm pretty sure the Arrested Development thing has to do with the never-nude arch for Tobias. I feel like I remember seeing that blooper, I must have stumbled upon the easter egg without noticing!
I came here with intent to post what basically everyone has already said. Let's hope the obnoxious apple users don't hear about this. Not all users are bad about it, but I was coming out of a coffee shop downtown here, and there was a white scion with an apple logo sticker on its back window. I then stopped, held my breath, and said a little prayer for society.
Just kidding. That's really cool incentive to post! Good idea. I know I'll never be up for an award because I don't post too frequently (used to be 'Jake D.' before I registered) but I really enjoy seeing some comments under the posts. It adds a lot to the content because of the, usually, interesting perspectives added. And I like how the bloggers read the comment and often edit the posts on it; makes the community stronger!
The only thing I don't care for with the comments is when a vaguely dark post is made, it initiates all sorts of "don't see how this is neat..." etc. etc. negative comments. But that comes with the territory!
Anyway, nothin' but love for the site. *fist pound*
I understand what you were talking about in your comment and I agree with you about panhandlers, but that sentence bothered me a bit. It applies to lying panhandlers, but a lot of people apply this to actual homeless and that's where I see a problem. It's hard to get a job when you're a smelly homeless guy. Could you imagine what the interview would be like?
This sounds like a job for Scooby Doo and the gang!
I can't imagine the torture of 41 hours like that. I bet he quit smoking after that.
Maybe a little cocaine...just to try it once. Then back to beer.
I came here with intent to post what basically everyone has already said. Let's hope the obnoxious apple users don't hear about this. Not all users are bad about it, but I was coming out of a coffee shop downtown here, and there was a white scion with an apple logo sticker on its back window. I then stopped, held my breath, and said a little prayer for society.
Just kidding. That's really cool incentive to post! Good idea. I know I'll never be up for an award because I don't post too frequently (used to be 'Jake D.' before I registered) but I really enjoy seeing some comments under the posts. It adds a lot to the content because of the, usually, interesting perspectives added. And I like how the bloggers read the comment and often edit the posts on it; makes the community stronger!
The only thing I don't care for with the comments is when a vaguely dark post is made, it initiates all sorts of "don't see how this is neat..." etc. etc. negative comments. But that comes with the territory!
Anyway, nothin' but love for the site. *fist pound*