I would advertise a tutoring service or, better yet, use a slogan that would help the test taker. Something like "King Phillip Cast Off Five Green Ships", "Pi = 3.1415", etc.
Or "Timmy- if I had 10 more dollars this would have been an easy "A"- Love, Mom"
Zo- how are the smaller water bottles "more eco friendly" when you are using more plastic to bottle up a gallon of water. For example, a single one gallon bottle of water would use less packaging (i.e. plastic) than would eight, 16 ounce bottles of water. I don't see how this is "more eco-friendly" unless you are talking of the gas savings I would have by lugging around a thinner wallet.
Read the Omnivore's Dilemma to understand how it can be done on a farm. The author covers a farm in Virginia that is, for all intents and purposes, self sufficient. Also, pay attention to how much plastic you go through in a day- sandwich bags, plastic windows on mail, grocery store bags, the friggin' packaging on toys these days, etc. Keep in mind it will take centuries for this plastic to "go away" in a landfill. It is an eye opener.
Check out the Breyer's ice cream containers too. I have also seen a few items that have reduced the serving size so that we can get more servings out of a bag of chips in a "Christ with loaves and fishes" kind of way. The good news is the American servings are coming down to the rest of the world's serving size. Another potential good thing out of this mess is the potential for a reduction in obesity. If you can't afford the food, ten you won't eat it. Then again, McDonald's happy meal sales are up close to 10% so maybe we will just get fatter. This will be interesting.
I don't see the American taxpayer who is funding this mess on the "victim" list anywhere. For $700 Billion we should at least get an also-ran on there.
IFZen- please feel free to return to your home country that was freed by us gun-loving, lunatic Americans after you "peace loving, morally superior" French were overrun by the Germans- twice. We will still be here and might consider rescuing you again after you finish handing your country over to the Algerians and Tunisians.
Or "Timmy- if I had 10 more dollars this would have been an easy "A"- Love, Mom"
Also, pay attention to how much plastic you go through in a day- sandwich bags, plastic windows on mail, grocery store bags, the friggin' packaging on toys these days, etc. Keep in mind it will take centuries for this plastic to "go away" in a landfill. It is an eye opener.