Scott-O's Comments

Charlie- a "hokie" is a castrated turkey, not turkey poo.

David G.- our mascot was a friggin kangaroo named "Moe." Our team name was/is the "Keydets" and the only thing I can see these two sharing is their first letter. I have yet to see anything in the historical works of the Virginia Military Institute to explain why a kangaroo and why "Moe." The closest I can come up with is a large fan base of Three Stooges fans (hence "Moe") and someone trying to get a free trip to Australia to round up a fitting marsupial.
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I vote that we use the money to fund this scam and use it to fill the FDIC coffers. Let the banks die off as they should and the individual saver still has their money. We get a stronger banking system and the individual keeps their money. But this model makes too much sense and would not allow the government to take over yet another piece of this once free country. Naturally, the path they will take will be the one to reward their rich friends and leave the tax payers and many generations to come holding the bag.
What will it take to get this revolution going, people?
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I was a waiter in Club 33. I had my tongue cut out so that I could not speak of it and had my fingers removed so that I could not type about it. My toes were hacked off since that stupid "My Left Foot" movie came out and made Club 33 security think about people typing with their toes. I had my neck muscles severed so that I could not nod or shake my head thus I am unable to answer yes or no questions. I also had my eyes gouged out thanks to Steven Hawking showing off his "talk with eye movement" toy and had my nose cut off because... well... I don't know why. Club 33 security hacked and Krazy glued me to prevent me from telling anyone of my experience as a waiter there. I am now just a left elbow and a pancreas- everything else has been removed. It has taken me weeks to type this message. I am using the million monkey- million type writer method by hopping from one key to another random key in order to get this message out. So far I have hit every ket I need. ket? darnit!!!!
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So she cooks him dinner, he ignores her calls to eat, she unplugs his toy,she pushes the punk for being in her way and he hits her with a taco.

They deserve each other.
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In August, 2008 I submitted:

In Target earlier today I learned there is really no good way to answer a 5-year-old asking you why you are looking at his mother's butt so much.

I still don't have a good answer.
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