miranda's Comments

Thank you, Jill!
Whammy was the first cassette tape I ever bought, back in the early 80's. I was in sixth grade and my friends thought I was such a weirdo for going so gaga over them. I have loved them to pieces ever since. There are few bands that feel like best friends, too, and they're definitely one of them.
This post made my day!
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I got the crazy straw kit AND a bacon wallet (I ordered two packages). Bacon's icky, so I'll be passing that along to someone who hates health (and pigs), but the straw kit is pretty nifty! As a girl with all guy friends and a husband who is allergic to shopping it is awfully fun to get a real, bona fide surprise, even if I have to pay for it. Thanks, Neatorama!
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Grapples are not a weird hybrid of grapes and apples, as the article states, but apples that have been soaked in grape flavoring. It says so right on the Grapple website: http://www.grapplefruits.com/process.html
I thought apples were pretty perfect to begin with, but apparently not.
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The Laugh-Out-Loud Cats make me happy. They're simply sweet and the idea behind them is just perfect. And they're HOBOES! Who doesn't love hoboes? I'm proud to be a member of the fan club. Thanks, Mr. Koford(s)!
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I've lived in the U.S. my entire life and have never had issues with police officers. I don't even know anyone who has ever had an issue with a police officer. Not hanging out with people who break the law probably helps. I find it hilarious that there are people who think you have some sort of a right to sit and argue with a cop. What an ineffective and ridiculous way to uphold law and order. A cop has to try and reason with you about why you should hand him your drivers license and registration while you argue that you don't like his tone? Wow. Report cops who are jerks. There are many avenues to try and right corruption and power-hungriness (newspapers, filing complaints, picketing, rallying people in your neighborhood...), but arguing with a cop over something like this is just petty and immature.
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It's not the least bit ridiculous to think that there are parts of the planet now underwater that used to have civilizations living on them. Waters recede and vice versa. Our earliest texts reference earlier high civilizations that existed before a major flood.
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My next-door neighbor once pulled into her driveway and got out of her Suburban to unlock her gate. She left the vehicle running and with her 2 year old in the truck...out of his car seat. He knocked the shifter into reverse and the truck did some sort of bizarre half-loop (the steering wheel was juuust right): out her driveway, into the street, and then u-turned into MY driveway and backed into the side of my awesome truck that I loved SO much and totaled it.

And we live on a street that used to have semis and heavy equipment running up and down it all the time, not to mention the people in regular cars who often speed. I was sad to see my truck so hurt, but geesh it could have been MUCH worse.
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I lost my kitty when she was almost 20. I got her as a kitten when I was 13. We grew up together and she saw me at my worst and at my best and never judged me - just let me pet her and rub her widdle ears. I think it's awesome Socks got to live a long life. Godspeed!
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