Oh God, how could they DO this to Ma Nah Ma Nah??? The original was a wonderful song, and I'll never forget the Sesame Street video. My boyfriend and I sing it to each other all the time. (BTW, none of the above is meant facetiously...) But they RUINED it and now I will never be able to get this version out of my head.
Okay, but what about the only IMPORTANT question... what's the world distribution of redheads? ;)
Although actually, I wonder if they were counted with the blondes. My hair is referred to as blonde about half the time. I would say it's strawberry blonde. :)
The whole world is my monkeysphere, and you are all in it. This is not a comfortable way to live, but it is the way I'm made, and I am learning to find peace with it. I was called to this way of life and of being, and once this happens, there's nowhere on earth to hide from that call. ;) That's why I chose to do gerontological social work.
I'm sorry, I must be seeing something different than everyone else is... she ALWAYS rotates CCW to me, and I absolutely do not see how she can be supposedly changing direction. Weird.
Some parents are too dangerous, too disturbed, and too damaged to allow into our lives if we decide that we want to stay sane and alive. This is not a popular message. I so admire this author for being brave enough to write. Maybe one day, I will do the same.
Well, he sounds like a very interesting and intelligent and person, someone I would be proud and happy to have as a friend. If I was in England, I would've gone over to his house and had sex with him for free. :)
I don't care what Snopes says. I have worked extensively with Photoshop in network news, and the photo on this page has every mark of that program. All of the signs are there: focus on subject and background that do not quite match, subtly different lighting, shadows not quite the same... sorry, it just looks fake. If you compare it to the photo of the Scottish bunny on Snopes, the differences are obvious.
Oh, now come ON!!! That's one of the worst Photoshop jobs I've ever seen. My cat could do a better job of matching subject and background than that! And the other photos in the link aren't any better.
Those minions of Satan (aka Republicans) had twelve years of oligarchy. They don't need a "balanced" cartoon. Maybe they'll learn now that just because you sell your soul to the Devil, it doesn't mean that you get to rule forever. Something to think about the next time the Evil One comes around with that contract and a pen!!
There's nothing new about webrage; it's been here for a long time!! I received lots of online threats of violence AND online death threats over my civil rights work in 2000-2001. It seems so much easier, I think, to behave this way in what SEEMS to be an anonymous environment. It was inevitable that at some point some lunatic would carry this over into real life.
Although actually, I wonder if they were counted with the blondes. My hair is referred to as blonde about half the time. I would say it's strawberry blonde. :)