small furry creature from Alpha Centauri's Comments
Would'nt it be much better if he would buy Iran or North Korea... Why would someone would like to buy Greenland? For many jears it had the hightes suicide-rate of the world.
Presumably, NASA did not developed them... I pesume this would not be necessary, as on the ISS a drill, a hose and a plug already make a very effecive vaccuum cleaner ;-)
They should have build a "small continental-style motorway picnic place" at this sign. Or they should habe moved the Sign to a place where the correct distances are 5, 15 and 25, rahter than providing incorrect information.
I would prefer the furry creaturs... ;-) Especcially as they are bigger, leaving fewer space for them to hide. Additionally, i prefer mouse and rat traps over anything suitable to defend roaches. When it comes to defeat an enemy it is always easier if your opponent has fewer offsping, longer doubling time, provides a larger target area. To defend rodents it is possible to use a wide variety of predators such as cats, ferrets or dogs to hunt them inside a house.
The list also suggests to replace "Pregnant” (woman, women)" by “Pregnant employees”.. ..which i consider a little confusing... Pregnancy or gestation, is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman (human female). That is, if someone is pregnant, this is also a sufficient criterion to determine this person as "women" in the biological sense. Even Thomas Beatie does not change this fact.