Nice ending for the dog, however I cannot ignore the fact that anyone involved in this dog's "rescue"(I use that term with sarcasm) and didn't get him medical attention immediately is an utterly shitty human being. Dallas has a LOT to answer for
Well, to be honest, some of them come from well established fairy tales...for example, Ponyo is basically The Little Mermaid, but it is his own, unique version of it. Not downplaying Miyazaki's brilliance- he's a creative genius.
"Vargo had worked for the Seattle-based company, but he didn’t know about the contract with ICE until tech writer Shanley Kane tweeted about it on Monday. ICE, which was formed under the presidency of George W. Bush in 2003, has stirred protests as it ratcheted up deportation and family separation policies under President Donald Trump."...this statement in the article is INCORRECT. Those policies preceeded Trump, and were in fact put into high gear by Obama.
I don't think they were saying ALL Dyslexics have the auditory form, but rather that there IS an auditory form as well as what we all think Dyslexia is. It doesn't surprise me...just as Autism has a spectrum, it makes sense that Dyslexia would too, and likely other learning/developmental issues.
The Cursed Child was TERRIBLE. It was a poorly written fanfic, and I cannot believe that JKR approved it to be used as ANYTHING- but apparently, she did. This will be a black eye on the beloved HP movie series.
I hope he's prepared to be single for the rest of his life...letting someone that you initially feel drawn to go because you haven't "gone through the first 185 yet" is stupidity. By the time his parameters have been met, anyone he was interested in is most likely to be long gone. Romance and love don't follow a formula.
"Dude" FAR predated Lebowski as a way to refer to someone or a group of someones in the American vernacular. It's absurd to attribute it to that was used by surfers in the 60's to refer to a "guy" or "fella", and morphed from there to refer to anyone, as well as being used as an exclamation like "wow" or "hey".