Here- allow me to translate..." we want more money and we know if we make you slog though the game you'll be driven to spend more of it on microtransactions" There, plain english for everyone.
A Christmas movie is a movie ABOUT Christmas, or where the holiday is featured prominently. A good way to test if a movie is a Christmas movie is to remove the Christmas element- if it has no effect on the movie, it isn't a Christmas movie- which is why die Hard is NOT a Christmas movie. LotR is also not a Christmas movie. The holiday doesn't even exist in Middle Earth. lol
Seems to me that Disney just wants to protect themselves from people who might say "I got Covid from Disneyland" and sue them for not enforcing the rule.
I will always argue that Die Hard is NOT a Christmas movie...a Christmas movie is about Christmas. Die Hard is not about Christmas, Christmas is just the setting in the background =)
I don't consider these "hybrids". They are human bodies with an animal head stuck on. The quality of the sculpting itself is quite good, but there is no skill in truly merging the differing species. The heads might as well just be masks.