MrPumpernickel 1's Comments

Would it not be more apt to call them "silver painted playing cards"?

Which beckons another question, is there any actual silver in the paint? If not, isn't that fraudulent advertising?
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Haha, "that's Alice" I blarted out to myself before clicking the link, and it was. She's an awesome person and good friend. Yes, that is her skin, albeit painted and hooked with hooks usually used for shark fishing (albeit the barbs are filed off).

Not really all that weird considering that there are quite a few people who do suspension these days, this commenter included.
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He reinvented nothing, the technology for this has been around for quite some time. Only difference is that he made a consumer product out of it. That, however, is not reinventing something, it's simple application of technology and some industrial design.
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...and you know what blows, not really being able to participate if you already have a mustache/beard. I won't shave it off to restart it, not for cancer anyhow, and I've had friends and family die from cancer. Yeah, that's how much my awesome facial hair means to me, and the world.
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I guess this is just as worthy for us to be worked up about as it is for the people of Papua New Guinea to be worked up about us letting women have any sort of power.

...and as someone who actually knows a fair bit about scarification I'd say the last example of these rites is the LEAST terrifying one of the bunch. Plus, it's voluntary and it looks opposed to circumcision which is forced and a generally disgusting practice.
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This is just poor design. I study industrial design and step one is pretty much to check for plausibility. I mean, the concept is fundamentally flawed when you're talking RGB. I love intelligent design concepts, this however is just dumb.
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The reason why no one has thought of it before (or rather, tried to make a business from it before) is because it's just not a very good idea.

The ring in keyrings is made from steel and the key is made from brass, the join between the two will be a weakpoint that will hold up for a comparably short time compared to a regular key. Even if it was all made from brass it would become a weak point which would significantly lower the lifespan of the key.

Sure, if you like standing there with a snapped of key in your front door then go ahead and invest in this.
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