People who deny the human effects or worse the Carbon Dioxide effects of global warming need to look at the basic chemistry of the situation. Chemical bonds can be excited through absorption of energy, often through the absorption of photons, bit of light with distinct amounts of energy. When photons of an energy equal to the excitation of a bond interacts with said bond, the bond moves to an excited state. For some molecules, the method of returning to the more stable ground state is through the emission of a lower energy photon, which results in fluorescence. Some bonds do not return to the lower state, and instead break off. For most bonds, this is achieved through the loss of energy through heat. Thus, light is changed into heat. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that absorb light emitted by the sun and convert them into heat. No matter how you look at it, Carbon Dioxide converts light into heat. The question is whether we are producing more carbon dioxide than natural cycles in global history. The answer provided through ice records, geological records, and even recent observation is yes.
Based on all this, none of which is speculation, the answer to whether people are causing global warming is obviously yes. There is the vast majority (upwards of 98%) of scientists who can see this basic teleology.
For those of you who deny it, I would love to see what scientific evidence you have for the non-absorption of carbon dioxide, the change in basic chemical behaviors, the lowering of carbon dioxide by man, or the magical pixies that are blocking this chain of events.
Based on all this, none of which is speculation, the answer to whether people are causing global warming is obviously yes. There is the vast majority (upwards of 98%) of scientists who can see this basic teleology.
For those of you who deny it, I would love to see what scientific evidence you have for the non-absorption of carbon dioxide, the change in basic chemical behaviors, the lowering of carbon dioxide by man, or the magical pixies that are blocking this chain of events.