Glad to see Neatorama readers continuing their tradition of totally overreacting to every video ever posted about animals. Hopefully when you're not reading Neatorama you're all out and about being vegans and saving animals from everything.
"This time-lapse video shows the changing moods of people in America over the course of a day, as ascertained by emotional keywords that they use on Twitter."
It's not faulty because it uses Twitter. It uses Twitter because that's what it is. Something can't be at fault for using Twitter, when "using Twitter" is in it's definition. It never claimed to be an ultimate, super accurate, indication of how everyone in the States is actually feeling.
Step 2) Have people claim it's crazy animal abuse. - The rare Uncle Max - Surely most of Spaceman Spiff
"This time-lapse video shows the changing moods of people in America over the course of a day, as ascertained by emotional keywords that they use on Twitter."
It's not faulty because it uses Twitter. It uses Twitter because that's what it is. Something can't be at fault for using Twitter, when "using Twitter" is in it's definition. It never claimed to be an ultimate, super accurate, indication of how everyone in the States is actually feeling.
Also, go NU.