Fran's Comments

Not being a techno-geek, I'm convinced that manufactures install some type of "kill" switch in computers to last until just after the warranty ends. Every computer I've ever had (and it's been many) have worked [relatively] fine until a couple of months outside of warranty.
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I've been to Denny's Beer Barrel Pub in Pennsylvania with friends who tried the 2 and 3 lb burger challenge. It's fun at first, but then it's just stomach turning to see his body shake with the "meat sweats" and his face turning a sickly color. He was determined tho and did complete the 2 lb challenge.
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I'm with Raf3. I don't buy it either. Maybe a stunt. Just seemed strange all around and strange how everyone is dressed in black or brown or blue, EXCEPT the old lady. And she's in the brightest Santa Claus red possible (to highlight her?)

I'm a skeptic.
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@Slick Willy: As a single woman, with no kids, paying nearly $3,000 a year in school taxes (for KIDS I DON'T HAVE), I'm highly offended by your comment that Public School is FREE.
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This was fascinating yet oh so frightening. You hear about the foreclosure problem all the time in the news, but seeing it graphed out like this REALLY gave such a clear picture.
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