Funky Freya's Liked Comments

Awwwwwwww, poor Tex. Actually I'm surprised his horns didn't do in the ball before the barbed wire did. Then again, the distance between his horn points is greater than the diameter of the ball.
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Some may fear that they will grow up to be more dangerous hackers. But maybe they'll be smart enough to figure out a way to free China from Communism. Remember, they're just babies - a lot of unforeseen consequences could show up later.
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Reminds me of a story my grandmother told me. She was the member of a prestigious town and country club for many, many years. Once, in the days before MLK and the civil rights movement, a black man came into the club as the guest of a member, and was told he had to leave. The next night, he came back but with a towel wrapped around his head to suggest that he was a foreigner. He had no problems then. Thus, blacks from "around here" were not acceptable, but foreign ones were. WTF?
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If you want five different definitions of "socialism," ask five different people. We actually have a lot of socialist institutions in the USA already: public schools, public libraries, public utilities, publicly funded roads, public fire and police departments, national and state parks, Social Security, minimum-wage laws, work safety regulations, environmental regulations, et cetera.
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