Funky Freya's Liked Comments

I hope the Stokes are successful in preserving what is on these tapes, because they include a lot of history and culture. If civilization goes kablooey, we need to save what we can so future generations will have access to recent history and the lessons it teaches.
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Why doesn't the USA use the metric system? Because we are stupidly stubborn. We will go metric sooner or later - pressure from the rest of the world and sheer necessity will force us to make the change. As for football, they'll keep yards. We're not going to call inchworms "centimeterworms."
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Eating meat, the "war" on drugs, Facebook - yes, we can do without them. But the only way abortion will be eliminated is if we have much better birth control, and ways to make sure fetuses don't develop unsurvivable deformities. It is estimated that one in three pregnancies ends in a miscarriage, many so early that the woman assumes it's just a heavy period. Comparing embryos to blacks, Jews, etc. is not comparing apples to oranges, it's comparing apples to flank steaks.
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Ozzy, you want a f---in cat fight, how about my kitties Aida and Helena? They are littermates, and got along great for several years. Then their relationship degenerated, and they took to fighting - not playful swats, but real knock-down drag-out combat. On one occasion, I was part of the battlefield - in the middle of the night--
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So the wasabi rushes my brother and I liked to do as kids were actually horseradish rushes?

You're right about opening up the sinuses, Collin - that stuff is called "Japanese Dristan" for a good reason.
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Definitely promising - but we must be careful. I don't think we'll suffer the "gray goo" scenario, but we still have to take reasonable precautions when we program and use these critters.
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I hate self-checkout! It's slower because you don't have the training or experience of a cashier (unless you are one). Also, there is the temptation to cheat and "accidentally" forget to scan an item. I'll take a gum-cracking cow over self-checkout any day.
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