The problem is, people will see this video and think they can do it too. It's akin to the video of people going beneath an overpass to escape a tornado - makes doing something very dangerous look safe. Kids, DON'T try this at home - or anywhere else!
Another thing we need is a Knowledge Ark, essentially a safe-deposit box for civilization. Actually we need several Knowledge Arks, each containing not only our collective scientific learning but also the best of our many cultures - music, literature, poetry, drama (including TV shows and movies) and art.
A devout Baptist moved into a neighborhood that was almost entire Catholic. He loved to grill steaks in his backyard every Friday, which drove his Catholic neighbors bananas. After several months of peer pressure, he was persuaded to convert to Catholicism. At the cathedral he was baptized thusly: "You were born a Baptist, you were raised a Baptist, and now you are a Catholic." Well, that Friday he was back at his grill, sizzling steaks as usual. Several people approached him to complain, but they noticed he was sprinkling the steaks with water and saying: "You were born a steer, you were raised a steer, and now you are a salmon!"
This is similar to the Wife of Bath's story in the Canterbury Tales. When a knight is asked to choose if his wife will be beautiful but fickle, or ugly but faithful, he tells her that she must be the one to choose - and ends up with a wife who is both beautiful and loyal. The moral: Give women autonomy.
When I was a kid I was jumping on a trampoline with some friends. A duck flew overhead and I said "Duck!" They thought I meant the verb, not the bird. We spent about a half hour having fun - whenever somebody said "duck" we all fell down.
Well, that Friday he was back at his grill, sizzling steaks as usual. Several people approached him to complain, but they noticed he was sprinkling the steaks with water and saying: "You were born a steer, you were raised a steer, and now you are a salmon!"