uberuber's Comments

I have a son that's the same age as I was when I went. Excuse me, I need to go not break a hip while I yell at those dang youngsters to get the hell off my lawn....
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Whoops, when I clicked on the link, my McAffe gave me THIS info:
l-killers-youve-never-heard-of may cause a breach of browser security.

Why were you redirected to this page?

When we tested www.popcrunch.com/14-freakiest-seria
l-killers-youve-never-heard-of, it attempted to make unauthorized changes to our test computer by exploiting a browser security vulnerability. This is a serious security threat which could lead to an infection of your computer.
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I have two boys, both who have turned out to be empathetic, kind young men-without the assistance of Boy Scouts, religious delusions, or misconceptions about sexual preferences. It would be so much better if the Boy Scouts would just be honest and call themselves "The Heterosexual Christian Boy Scout Association". A little honesty would be refreshing for everyone, wouldn't it?
It IS wrong is when they are allowed to hold assemblies in grade schools to recruit children. (Separation of church and state, anyone?) Yes, this happened with both my boys, and I wasn't informed of the event until afterwards, when they came home with pamphlets and sign up forms. On the plus side, it did provide an opening for the discussion of discrimination and religious intolerance, so that was something.
BTW, Sandman, there actually are atheist sponsored summer camps, etc. available, but does anyone really believe for a moment that any public school would allow THEM to hold recruitment assemblies for elementary children? Of course not. Fair is fair.
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Does anyone else remember an after school special (or something of similar ilk) about modern day witches making rainbow pancakes that made people laugh uncontrollably? I'm thinking it was sometime in the mid/late 70's....hmm...what were in those pancakes?
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This is an utter FAIL. Alex! I thought you had better discriminating taste than to waste space on this type of crap :(
If it were my money paying for the privilege of peering out one of those windows/living in that dorm (very 'spensive these days, btw!)whether for myself or my kid, I'd be pissed. Very. It's not "cute", or "edgy" it's lazy, sloppy, lowest-common-denominator sexist advertising at its worst.
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Also, although I like the idea of destroying that kid's X-Box, I'm pretty sure I'd just take it away and sell it on Craigslist, lol! But I'd make him post the ad!
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Morgan, I disagree. I have two boys, a tween and a teenager, and they would no more consider talking back to me,ignoring me, or otherwise be disrespectful than they would growing wings and flying to the moon. All done without physical punishment. How? C-O-N-S-I-S-T-E-N-C-Y. From the get go, my no meant no, and although I have always made it clear that a calm, reasoned case could be argued and would always be welcomed (if they truly feel the issue is patently unfair), I always have final veto. Period. I've always made it a point to explain my actions (well, most of the time, lol.)so it would be understood as to the WHY, and not just "because I said so!".
The key, I have found, is that once you have issued an ultimatum, you never, ever, EVER go back on it. If they were being little idiots in the back seat on the way to a movie when they were younger, and I told them to quit or I would turn the car around and go home, that is exactly what I did, even though it made me feel like a complete creep at the time, because it made them so sad. I knew it was for the best. And, it usually took only one lesson lesson of that magnitude. People don't seem to understand that it is all about trust. My children trust my decisions, and kids need the security of parental authority. What could be scarier to a small child than to find itself in power over the ones that they perceive as ultimate protective giants?
Parenthood is not easy, and I think too many take the seemingly easy way out with their kids, because who wants to see your kid miserable? Who wants to be the 'bad guy' to your children? So, they give in. And later, they pay and pay and pay for it.
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While I do believe it's a bit misleading (our systems do require physical activity for optimal performance!) there is something to be said for the Western diet-the amount of sugars we ingest (especially the high fructose corn syrup that is in virtually EVERYTHING even mildly processed), the additives, hormones, the reliance on meat for the majority of our meals, etc.
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I am so very disgusted with these freaking religious freaknuts. The answer to the question, "but how do they manage to pay for that enormous litter, when mommy-the-human-clown-car doesn't work (because she's too busy being the human breeding machine)?" Well kids, it's simple: Welfare and making your house into a CHURCH, thereby ensuring lots and lots of tax exemptions! Whee! Isn't xtianity super neat?! Yayz! I don't know what I was thinking, stopping at two kids...oh, right, I'm not a farking wingnut, attention whore, religious freak-and I have an I.Q. of ABOVE the double digits. Those children are abuse victims, all of them. There is NO way in hell the adults could possibly keep track of them all-so all of the older ones are used as work horses. Nice. I hope her cave-like vagina prolapses soon. Please, baby Jeebus, please.
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PZ Meyers gives an excellent commentary on this half-baked theory (much better than I could, especially at this hour!) Please go read most excellent post: http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2008/11/prediction_selfpromoting_hype.php
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