The German 'Max Schreck' literally translates to 'maximum terror' in English. The name 'Schreck' was the inspiration for the name 'Shrek' in the 2001 animated film.
I believe that Herbert Clutter had his throat cut. The other three family members were all shot in the head. Some years ago, the Clutter house was on the market and one could see each room as well as the cellar. It was quite spooky looking, even without its bloody history. The kitchen still sported cabinets and shelving made by Herbert Clutter. Not mentioned was that the Clutters had two other daughters, both married and living elsewhere at the time of the murders.
FindAGrave is a tremendous resource, but, as with nearly every other website, let the user beware. There are frequently multiple, conflicting listings found for an individual, and more important to me, the site could use a lot more fuzzy logic. Time and again I have searched for a name that I knew was in there, yet came up dry - it can be very particular and a lot of effort is sometimes required to achieve the desired result. I 'manage' several graves myself.
Neat, indeed! Somewhere in the bowels of YouTube is a video showing an unusual route that Mallory and Irvine could have taken to avoid the otherwise-impassible 'steps' en route to the summit. Many 'experts' claim that they did not reach the summit, but my feeling is that they did but that Mallory was overcome with 'target-fascination' and injudiciously decided to go for it too late to be able to descend before nightfall. Mallory either slipped in the dark or was blown off by high winds. A Chinese expedition circa 1960 reported seeing a body, whose description matched that of Irvine, but the location has never been verified. I do hope the camera is found intact.
Something has changed with these things over the years though. I used to have them occasionally, but not often, as they are 100% junk food. I tried them again recently, as we had a big box of them from Costco for all the grandkids. I tried them three different times within a ten day period, and every time I did, I got the dry heaves. Every time. And that had never happened before - I've never eaten anything else that has given me dry heaves.
Wow - so yours is a 2017 model too? Lucky you - you got one of the good ones. Back in July 2020, I was told that there was a 4-month wait to order a new 27", whereas the 'new' 21.5" was in stock. I could not wait 4 months and so took what I could get - and it is no wonder that new 2017 models were still available in 2020. Much to my sorrow. So it's a crapshoot - I might be able to find an exact match to what you describe, but am I willing to take a chance on another 2017 Mac? I have never hated an inanimate object as I hate this thing, so probably not. Even though this POS had to be rebooted yesterday morning, later yesterday afternoon it decided to play its little game with me whereby 1) it simply freezes up and nothing at all works, 2) the cursor soon disappears, and 3) within 2 minutes, the computer reboots itself, all due to "a problem". I have irretrievably lost a lot of valuable work due to this behavior, just another reason why this 2017 Mac - and Apple, Inc. - will never be adequately damned. I envy your good luck. But be aware that when the time comes, vital parts for your computer, such as the video board, will no longer be available. Then it will be time to spin the wheel again. This is why, henceforth, I will only purchase used Macs with known reputations. Thanks for the info.
I said I wouldn't buy another NEW Mac, which I will not, but I have too much invested in Apple - iPhones, iPads, etc. - to abandon the platform altogether. I abandoned Windows long ago. If your Mac is doing so well, would you mind sharing its particulars so I can look for a used one? My wonderful 27" was a mid-2011 model, and this current POS is a 2017 model. Yours sounds as if it must be a 2019 model. Mine decided this morning to go into Imbecile Mode, in which it is completely unresponsive and gives me the spinning beachball of death no matter what I do. I couldn't even restart it, as EVERY piece of software open simply wouldn't close, even things like Music, which I seldom open anyway. So I had to turn the thing off, which happens maybe 1/3 of the time. From the time I first noticed the problem until it was back up and running with all software operational, over 2-1/2 hours had elapsed. As I had said, it's slow and stupid. This looks good: As opposed to this 2017 offering. Look at the ratings. So there were good 2017's and bad 2017's. No need to say which one I got.
Buy a used 2017 iMac from Amazon - there are many listed there, cheap - and see if that doesn't change your tune. Across the board, the 2017 model gets horrendous ratings and I can certainly understand why. My old 27", a mid-2011 model, could run rings around this POS. Sadly, its video card died and naturally, a replacement was not available. Since I've had this 2017 POS, only since July 2020, its hard drive has been wiped FOUR times by the local Apple Store, in an effort to 'fix' the recurring issues. They acknowledge in the store that 'something' is wrong with this computer, but Apple Corporate merely says 'sucker'. I'll never buy a new Mac again.
I had a wonderful 27" iMac that died during the pandemic in July 2020. All I could get by way of replacement was a 'new' 21.5" iMac that turned out to be a 2017 model. Why were new 2017 models still available in 2020? Because the 2017 model is a complete POS and Apple should be (but isn't) ashamed of itself. This computer is slow, stupid, refuses to learn, gets confused a lot, and frequently reboots on its own due to "a problem". I've requested twice, in writing, that it be replaced, and Apple has refused. They also screwed me around on the old 27" iMac. I've bought my last computer from them, and if fire and brimstone were to take out Cupertino, California, I wouldn't be at all upset. If Steve Jobs were still around, my ending would have been much happier than it is. He'd have fired everyone involved in this debacle AND given me a new computer.
Some years ago, the Clutter house was on the market and one could see each room as well as the cellar. It was quite spooky looking, even without its bloody history. The kitchen still sported cabinets and shelving made by Herbert Clutter. Not mentioned was that the Clutters had two other daughters, both married and living elsewhere at the time of the murders.
Somewhere in the bowels of YouTube is a video showing an unusual route that Mallory and Irvine could have taken to avoid the otherwise-impassible 'steps' en route to the summit. Many 'experts' claim that they did not reach the summit, but my feeling is that they did but that Mallory was overcome with 'target-fascination' and injudiciously decided to go for it too late to be able to descend before nightfall. Mallory either slipped in the dark or was blown off by high winds. A Chinese expedition circa 1960 reported seeing a body, whose description matched that of Irvine, but the location has never been verified. I do hope the camera is found intact.
That should be 'auction', not 'action'.
So it's a crapshoot - I might be able to find an exact match to what you describe, but am I willing to take a chance on another 2017 Mac? I have never hated an inanimate object as I hate this thing, so probably not.
Even though this POS had to be rebooted yesterday morning, later yesterday afternoon it decided to play its little game with me whereby 1) it simply freezes up and nothing at all works, 2) the cursor soon disappears, and 3) within 2 minutes, the computer reboots itself, all due to "a problem". I have irretrievably lost a lot of valuable work due to this behavior, just another reason why this 2017 Mac - and Apple, Inc. - will never be adequately damned.
I envy your good luck. But be aware that when the time comes, vital parts for your computer, such as the video board, will no longer be available. Then it will be time to spin the wheel again. This is why, henceforth, I will only purchase used Macs with known reputations.
Thanks for the info.
Mine decided this morning to go into Imbecile Mode, in which it is completely unresponsive and gives me the spinning beachball of death no matter what I do. I couldn't even restart it, as EVERY piece of software open simply wouldn't close, even things like Music, which I seldom open anyway. So I had to turn the thing off, which happens maybe 1/3 of the time. From the time I first noticed the problem until it was back up and running with all software operational, over 2-1/2 hours had elapsed. As I had said, it's slow and stupid.
This looks good:
As opposed to this 2017 offering. Look at the ratings.
So there were good 2017's and bad 2017's. No need to say which one I got.
Since I've had this 2017 POS, only since July 2020, its hard drive has been wiped FOUR times by the local Apple Store, in an effort to 'fix' the recurring issues. They acknowledge in the store that 'something' is wrong with this computer, but Apple Corporate merely says 'sucker'. I'll never buy a new Mac again.
If Steve Jobs were still around, my ending would have been much happier than it is. He'd have fired everyone involved in this debacle AND given me a new computer.