the upper peninsula of michigan is very similar to finland/lapland. my family came from that area to settle in upper michigan for the mining work, and because the area was so like the old country.
aww, my grandmother's family is from Croatia. unfortunately they had to leave before WWI broke out because they were gypsy. i've always wanted to go there, and see the old country.
vm-it's usually the insurance companies that start deciding what's elective and what isn't. i'd be more worried about them than taxation from the government.
as a kid, we ran around the neighborhood all dang day on weekends and in the summer. if i fell down and scraped my knees, i didn't cry but got right back up again and kept playing. my brother (who is 17 years younger than me) never goes outside, was playing video games at 2, and has a fit if the t.v. is turned off for more than a few minutes. most of this has to do with my mom having more time to hover over him and baby him in a way my other siblings and i never were. and thank god.
kids need to get boo-boos. kids need to mess up. kids need to be punished appropriately when they do wrong.
Flux, i thought the same thing. i was under the impression that felines were particularly flu resistant because of the higher body temperature. granted, the age of the cat probably came into play...but still very interesting.
cats are weird though. i had a cat that got toxoplasmosis...i don't think he got the memo that he was supposed to give that to others not get it himself.
i loved that article...and i was totally jazzed that they spoke to Salima Ikram instead of Dr. Hawass. that guy is kind of a tool, but she's totally precious. --
they mummified things that had significance to them. a lot of animals had special meaning for them not only as pets but as connections to the gods- so they took great care with their mummies.
my family came from that area to settle in upper michigan for the mining work, and because the area was so like the old country.
kids need to get boo-boos. kids need to mess up. kids need to be punished appropriately when they do wrong.
.....i grew up Catholic, so stuff like this should surprise me....but wow. if they start offering Kool-Aid at service, don't drink it!
if *you're* not the one having the abortion done, then maybe you should mind your own business.
cats are weird though. i had a cat that got toxoplasmosis...i don't think he got the memo that he was supposed to give that to others not get it himself.
they mummified things that had significance to them. a lot of animals had special meaning for them not only as pets but as connections to the gods- so they took great care with their mummies.