Not my style either. It is silly and ridiculous, but people have the right to be silly and ridiculous in what they wear. I am very surprised that most comments support taken rights away from other people. Mike's comments aren't retarded.
I was riding a shuttle back to my apartment and this lady med student began inquiring to her seatmate about her boyfriend and also spoke about her own relationship with her hubby. I heard their conversation clearly and they did not seem to be old acquaintances or close friends. Sort of weird/cringe-inducing hearing the details (which were benign).
This is the big difference between the US and a country such as China (where my ancestors came from). People can talk freely about the history of the USA, both the great moments and the unsavory ones. The Chinese government and the Chinese Media have no such openness and honesty (yet), and their bashing of other countries like Japan (the War was more than 60 years ago) has got to stop.
Son of Daredevil is jealous for not posting a video of himself doing this first. God, I hate negative comments like his on youtube and other similar sites that doesn't add any insights to the video and only smacks of crab mentality and hate.
I love dogs. However I don't fully agree with "There are no bad dogs, only bad owners" mantra. Dogs have temperament. To say that it is always the owner's fault all the time implies the dogs don't have personality or individuality. There are good dogs and bad dogs, in the same way that there are good owners (people) and bad owners. And big powerful dogs like pitbulls should be treated with more care, just because they have the potential to do more damage.
I'm from SE Asia and have lived in the US for ten years. Western/US/European media is a lot more fair and accurate (and more critical of their own governments) than the Chinese media (which is largely state-controlled). Hope China becomes as prosperous, stable and democratic as the U.S. in the near future. That they aren't yet can be seen from the thousands that study (then immigrate) to the U.S. and other countries (such as Australia and NZ) every year.
Many people don't find a plane flight relaxing like CharlesNelsonReilly, but they have no choice but to get on a plane, especially if it is a flight to the other side of the earth. Unless you are a short guy on coach (or you have a good back) flying for less than 3 hours, being on a plane is just not fun after the first time.
One can't arrogantly assume other people experience flying differently. It's like living in a city, unless you get mugged or profiled, your perception of the city will probably be good if you ignore the plight of other people.
IMO, if you are against abortion, you should also be anti-war, anti-death-penalty, pro-universal health care, and pro-civil rights (including right of consenting adults of any gender to marry and lead their own lives).
I don't agree with communist rule, as much as I don't agree with theocracy or where the church is politically powerful, like in some southeast asian countries. The Philippines for example is 80% catholic or christian, yet racism and bigotry of all sorts are tolerated, although the conditions there seem better than in Malaysia (where there seems to be institutionalized racism against ethnic minorities; I also hear they don't let Israelis in the country, regardless of content of character) or Indonesia.
Mall of America is in Bloomington, Minnesota. Malls are great when it is hot and dusty outside and parks are not accessible or well-maintained, which are true in some countries in asia. I also wonder if building big structures is a sign of insecurity?
One can't arrogantly assume other people experience flying differently. It's like living in a city, unless you get mugged or profiled, your perception of the city will probably be good if you ignore the plight of other people.
Darwin is not infallible. Scientists overwhelmingly believe in evolution because of the evidence and logical analyses, not because of a figurehead.
Malls are great when it is hot and dusty outside and parks are not accessible or well-maintained, which are true in some countries in asia. I also wonder if building big structures is a sign of insecurity?