dnc's Liked Comments

I think the body guard hopped off the cart while off frame as the camera panned right, most likely while the cart was still behind the fence, and was walking ahead of the cart in case he had to sprint due to an incident. Then the guard started walking around the fence. When the camera pans back left, the cart comes around the fence, and the view of the guard is blocked by the guy in the blue shirt since the guard is walking ahead and has a head start.
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Just watched The Jerk for the first time in years, but it's a toss up between Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and The Three Amigos as my favorite.
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It does look like trouble waiting to happen and a liability. Maybe it should have a top different from a drinking can, such as a way smaller hole for just a tube and air to get into the can? Or find a way to make the hole sideways and difficult to drink out of it, or just scrap the idea all together for something better?
Also, I don't know much about the substance in the can and how toxic it is, but would it even be safe to recycle such a container?
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I can't remember if it was after Ash Wednesday or Good Friday (or both), but my parents would eat an Italian sandwich after mid-night. The "Holiday" didn't have a name, but I guess you could call it Fat Thursday or Fat Saturday? Might be more of a tradition than a holiday.
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