@Dr Dan Dishwashing machines are surprisingly water efficient. Now, that doesn't take into account the electricity to run the machine or the resources to make one, but in any case, they aren't a horrible solution.
@Vonskippy I'd find it useful, not for the chance to stay seated (though, that would be AWESOME!), but for the use of the wasted space underneath my table. I could really use the extra cabinet where my under-counter dishwasher is.
To me, the Neatorama post seems to be a very fair piece on unions. It is an article defending a groups right to unionize. The guy wanted to form a union, was fired for his idea, and the article is making it known to all.
I believe he is trying to say that you can begin a sentence with "People that..." or with "People whom...". You con't have to associate a form of who with humans.
It could irritate others that you immediately assume that Chaveau came up with them on his own. Why couldn't he have come to the future or the movies have been sent to the past from which he chose his artwork?
Hard Hat Turtle XL - Navy
Dishwashing machines are surprisingly water efficient. Now, that doesn't take into account the electricity to run the machine or the resources to make one, but in any case, they aren't a horrible solution.
I'd find it useful, not for the chance to stay seated (though, that would be AWESOME!), but for the use of the wasted space underneath my table. I could really use the extra cabinet where my under-counter dishwasher is.
To me, the Neatorama post seems to be a very fair piece on unions. It is an article defending a groups right to unionize. The guy wanted to form a union, was fired for his idea, and the article is making it known to all.
Flop tops fork and spoon
Vandelay Industries T-shirt in XL - Black
It could irritate others that you immediately assume that Chaveau came up with them on his own. Why couldn't he have come to the future or the movies have been sent to the past from which he chose his artwork?
Arrogant Bastard Tumbler
Comic Skull and Crossbones XL
Arrogant Bastard tumbler
colors aren't an issue like this at all. Colors are clearly well defined by their component values.
The problem is telling you where the blue family of colors stop and the violet family start.