I suppose, in 20 years or so, as the franchise resuscitation trend continues, there will be books & movies of how the heroes of these stories sank into a greed and gluttony, or some other form of rule, that is not right for the day and it will be up to the next generation to overthrow them! and so on, and so on. ..hopefully it will be with the help of comedic aliens, flying cars, robots and global dance music to show them the dumbness of their ways and groove to things.. . haha!, s'cuse me I'm pish'd
Gotta call bullshit on the 2 dramatic photos above, ergo the whole article, till someone can explain to me how they got such a nice crisp satellite image . . . in 1932! . . artistic impression I'm betting .. still would be b.s. if it was, because then, you could write it any way you wanted to, hell I got Photoshop skills too!
Wen I was a kid (in the 60's) in a family of 5 kids, we all had weekly chores to do, mostly on Saturday morning, for that we would be rewarded with 2 bucks each, which was a pretty good amount back then. It instilled a proper work ethic at a young age for all of us . . . no chores done, no pay . . simple as that. It also taught me about saving money as I would save parts of my allowance to buy model kits, firecrackers and other crap I wanted that my parents would never buy. I had to save for weeks and weeks sometimes for a kit I wanted, or decided on a different one. I would even look to do chores for neighbors, cut grass, shovel snow etc (they would pay more too!) As an adult I have used that method to buy the things I want, and the banks and Visa must hate me as I have had no debt (except a mortgage, now paid off), and lots of money saved up. I can attest to the reward for work system is the way to go, and if you don't do that?.. and just make your kids work for the joy of helping out . .well . . you might be living in a commune, opening the door for them to leech off the system, because they feel that work doesn't get you anywhere, relying on random cash handouts instead . . and looking at my siblings, I have 0 out of 5 welfare leeches, we have all done alright.. . Ya you should just pay your kids to do chores, by not doing so doesn't bode well for their future in my opinion.
Shaking a set of keys in front of your Zenith TV would change channels and raise and lower volume levels, as this remote control would emit an audible "click" when a button was pressed . . . I still remember the sound it made. I watched the first moon landing on this set with my Dad, when I was a kid.
change channels and raise and lower volume levels, as this remote control would emit an audible "click" when a button was pressed . . . I still remember the sound it made. I watched the first moon landing on this set with my Dad, when I was a kid.
Pink Freud size xl
size xl - black
2) http://www.neatoshop.com/product/Star-Trek-Enterprise-Pizza-Cutter
If Iran attacked Turkey from the rear . . . . would Greece help?